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Graduating High School This Year...

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Hey guys whats up?...Ever since I can remember I couldnt wait to graduate from school and go to post secondary and do something I actually enjoy...well it's my last year in high school and to tell you the truth I hope it never ends...It never occurred to me until yesterday when i asked a girl i like to our graduation at the end of the year that this could very well be the last year i ever see or hear from my friends ever again...I'm affraid that when school ends in June that I will loose all my high school friends and this year may be the last time i ever see or hear from them again...its just really depressing....I remember my parents and other adults telling me that these were the best years of my life and i wouldnt believe them...I guess now I do....did anyone else or does anyone else have any similar feelings about graduation????...thx

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Yes but it's hard...theres this girl that I like and I asked her to the grad yesterday and she said yes...which im really happy for but it seems like ever since i asked her i cant help but be depressed...because at least now i can see her everyday and talk to her everyday at school...after school ends in june god only knows what will happen...shes going to alberta in june and im going somewhere else for college...it wouldnt bother me as much if i knew that i would still be able to communicate with her after we finish high school

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Ehh. I'm scared to death of graduating too this year. I'm actually graduating a year earlier than I should have so when it hit me that I'm going to be a high school graduate in June, I was so scared.


I think that most of us are just afraid that we're going to lose all our friends once we graduate. I'm staying in my home town for awhile so it's not so much of a big deal but I'm still nervous.

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Take that "best years of your life" stuff with a big grain of salt. The older people get the more they tend to minimize the bad stuff that happened to them and the more they tend to remember only the good stuff.


However, I've been keeping a journal since I was 12...and I can tell you that I wouldn't trade ages with you for anything. 17, 18, 19...those are tough, tough years because of some of the very things you've brought up in your post. There's a lot of changes going on for you -- in the next 2-3 years you are going to complete the work of leaving your childhood behind and enter into your adult life.


In the next decade of your life, if you are like most folks, you will see the most personal growth and development you are likely to see in any 10 year period you've known before or will know afterward.


So, you've got plenty of valid reasons to feel like you do.


As for high school friends, what Maverick said is true...the ones who are good friends will keep in touch. You will also make new friends while you're in college. And the potential for having a good time in college is (IMO) far greater than the potential for having a good time in high school. You'll be able to catch up with folks you went to high school with in 5 or 10 years at your reunion. You may find (as I did at both my 10 & 20 year reunion) that you haven't really missed much by not having most of them in your life post-high school. By the time I went to my 10 year reunion cropped up, I had next to nothing in common with a gal I was fairly close to in high school....by the time the 20 year reunion rolled around, I had absolutely nothing in common with her.


Anyway, try to remember that even though you may be saying goodbye to a large group of people come the end of the school year, you will be welcoming a new group of people into your life when you start college or start working.


The only constant in life is change. Keeping your focus on what's positive in the midst of change can help make the transition easier.

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But I can't get over the thought that I might not ever get to see this girl ever again or hear from her ever again...I wish I wasn't in love with her...it would be so much easier if I wasn't....has anyone felt the same way?...too afraid to graduate from high school because they might loose a girlfriend or boyfriend or someone they really like?

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Yeah but were friends...she sees me as a good friend...i see her as someone I just fell in love with...I'm just afraid that when we finish high school I will loose contact with her...I don't want that to happen...you said that sometimes friends from high school fade away and loose contact...but I dont want that to happen...especially with this girl...even if we dont have anything more then just friendship...like i said...it would be so much easier if I diddn't love her...I hope I fall out of love with her because I know she only sees me as a good friend....any replies would be greatly accepted...thx

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do you talk on aim? do you have each others phone numbers? there are alot of ways to keep in contact with her...

but i think you should stop worrying about the future, and think about the present....

you say that she just sees you as a good friend, but you seem to really be into her? Maybe you should start trying to make a relationship out of that?

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I felt the same way you did when the end of highschool was coming near. Personally, I hated the idea of highschool; I did poorly in class and didn't partake in any clubs/sports. My fun was had getting messed up before/after school. The people who I partied with I still party with (these are the friends I still see on the regular). BUT I had a lot of friends who I basically grew up with but only socialized with in school. I mean damn, I knew some people from the very start all the way to the very end. People I'd goof off with in class, cheat on tests with, skip classes with, sit at lunch with, etc, etc. I don't ever hear from them nowadays, and that is both depressing and shocking. You get very familiar with these people, and then one day - boom - they're out of your life for good. You have every right to feel down about the whole thing.


Though, if you choose to go to college, you won't dwell on your "highschool days" very much. You'll make new friends, take very interesting classes, and start to know your trueself a lot better. College is a whole new experience, often much better than highschool.


I think you should be happy that you're spending time with this girl, even if only for a short time. Being in highschool you can't really define your trueself just yet, so who you love now might not be the best choice. I think everyone has at least one big crush on a certain someone while in highschool; you are fortunate enough to be with this person (Lucky you, even if you're just "friends"). I never worked up the courage to approach mine and I regret it a lot. ENJOY the time you have with this girl, try to make it work, but don't lose sight of reality and realize that there will be plenty of new friends and new loves after highschool.

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do you talk on aim? do you have each others phone numbers? there are alot of ways to keep in contact with her...

but i think you should stop worrying about the future, and think about the present....

you say that she just sees you as a good friend, but you seem to really be into her? Maybe you should start trying to make a relationship out of that?



Well we don't talk on aim but we have MSN Messenger....I do have her phone number but we don't call each other...what ever plans we make to go to a movie or do whatever is made either in school or on MSN...And I'm scared to try and make a relationship out of it becuase where shes not into me the same way it might be kind of awkward and then make things worse...Also I'm iffy about getting into a relationship now because of college...if it lasted till june then it would be extremely difficult to leave her behind...And I think a LDR would be really stressful...thx though for the replies

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