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Bugging Me!!!!

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this is pretty embarrasing but oh well.


ok this has been bugging me for about 2 days now and i cant seem to understand Why!...its nothing really that big,....but it was strange , ok, so .....me and this girl are very very good friend's....we are not in a relationship wotsoever, ok so ill start from the beginning. .we like to fight alot. have a litle harmless fun ..ya know, but this one time we took it too far and we ended up kissing and she went down my trousers.....and u know the rest (note: we didnt engage in sexuel intercourse)



..so anyway ...a few days after that happened, we were laying on my bed watching a video , and she said "you've got a hard-on havent you", i said "no", and she felt like my trousers to see if i had, then she rubbed her hand on my T-shirt and said "ewwww" like she had a problem with touching down there and after what happened a few days earlier(note: i didnt have a hard-on , it was just the way my trousers were). now i cant get my head round why she done that? mixed signals , i dunno ,anyone have any ideas?

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Maybe she's curious, and doesn't have any experience with boys. Not knowing how old or experienced she is, it's hard to tell. Could you come right out and ask her why she did that? I think you need to find out whether she's interested in your for you, or just as a learning experience. Once you know, you can decide what's best for you.

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thats what am thinking........shes just having a little fun.i dont no if shes just after a little experience with guys and using me......i know shes the type of person to use people..i just dint think she would use her friends like that?.i know shes had a few boyfriend's...i dont ask her how her relationships are going i dont think its my bussiness to be honest . and i know its hard giving me accurate advice if u dont know the whole story.

and alot more than that has happened.its been a little further than that aswell. but we've never had sex. altho we've been very close to it. but my brother walked in at the last moment and we stopped.. but i dont know if it would of ended with sex..we were just rubbing and touching while laying on top of me while we were undressed......but she does other things that suggest that he dosent have feelings for me its just the small things like if we watch a movie she dosent always sit near me. she may sit on the other sofa.....or when watching one in my room she'll lay at the other end of the bed. and if she sees a good looking guy on TV or even when we're out together she'll say hes good looking or wotever.itsa pretty messed up situation......i should reallytell her about how i feel. is there anything i can say that will get her thinking..maybe tell her somhow thay i love her but on a subliminal level?....hahaha.




our ages are me being 16, and her 15....yes we are young haha.


i dunno if theres any more advice you can give me besides how i can break it to her that i love her? ..id rather go with the subliminal approach ..it isnt obvious and it sounds kinda fun..what do yall think?

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