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how do i start a conversation now??

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i have started a couple of threads on this already but I still cant find a way to get over it…

here's a link to the last one,


but basically, she has started to at least look me in the eye after like two weeks of full avoiding any contact…


and I've got her myspace account..

i was wondering if i should send her a messege or invite her as a friend..

i know u guys r gonna tell me to stop trying to contact her but the thing is, i can tell she wants to stop this ignoring each other and all as well...

even if it means being friends or telling her that i have no more interest in her or whatever...


so i am going to go up to her in the following week, and tell her tht she isnt pressured or anything but we can start from the beginning..

but have u guys got any lines or sumthing tht i could use so i dont exactly scare her but get my point accross.


About myspace.. i know its not a good idea but i was just considering the worst situation of having no contact left with her...

at least i'll have that..


but i really need sumthing to say to her as i am going to talk to her any day now as soon as i get the chance...

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I just read over some of your previous posts and she just isn't into you.


Why do you want to open up wounds if she is going to hurt you?


It may be best not to contact her.


Hugs, Rose


u see, i cant really open up the wounds cuz they havent healed yet...

and the only way do that is to talk it over with her...


think bout it.. 5 or 6 months from now..

i am preparing for the final modules of A level exams and i havent spoken a word to her all year... i still see her everyday..

theres no way i will be able to study or focus on anything like i should, if i havent sorted this out...



and i cant really say that on myspace cuz that implies that we dont meet each other at school..

well, we have LOADS of chances to talk at school...


so i think its better tht i do try to contact her though i am thinking what would be the best way...

myspace would probably freak her out again... and i dont want to do that..

so i'll try to do my best to do it in school...

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i have just realized sumthing i dont know why i didnt think of b4...


she has a very close friend (female) that 'm sure knows bout me and what happenned..

i am very sure that she knows ..

so should i talk to her cuz she is really nice and i have talked to her b4...

i could tell her the whole story from my point of view and see what she says..



she looks at me every now and then.. though she still hasnt spoken to me yet.... but you guys shouldnt think that she doensnt want to talk to me anymore...

so should i yalk to her friend bout this.. or try to talk to her directly....


it'll be easir for me to talk to her directly though

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  • 2 weeks later...

First of all, i'd like to mention that you kinda remind me of myself during my high school years. I don't want to discourage you man, but i've read your other posts and what ive concluded from it all is that girl is really not worth your time.


why? because if she was into you and felt what you were feeling, you would of at least known something by now. Yeah, she may give you some signs etc. passing looks ( but do you honestly think they are intended as invitations? or just to keep you wanting more). From what i see she's kind of keeping you on the backburner and no guy likes to being there.


You already laid out your feelings, the blueprints are made..the house just isn't being built.


So my suggestion is that you just get this past you...


she ignores you why not try ignoring her for a while as see what happens ( no eye contact, no attempts at communication)

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Hey bro, I spoke to you way back on your first post, and I remembered it when I reread it just now.


You claimed in your most recent thread that you have no interest in her now, yet I don't believe a single word of it. There is NO REASON for you to be going this crazy over some girl if she's nothing to you anymore. She's nothing more than an aquaintence to you right now, yet you are handling it like she's your wife. You do not have to talk to her, you do not have to be friends, nothing. If she isn't making any overt moves to be friends with you then your attitude should simply be to shrug your shoulders and move on. Who cares what she thinks. You did nothing wrong to her other than coming on way to strong, which chased her away. You don't owe her an apology, you dont need to "fix" the situation, etc. What you need to do is accept she is not interested and move on with your life by shrugging your shoulders and resuming normal day to day functions without giving her another second of your thoughts.


Seriously. This girl has rejected you, she will not be your girlfriend, and that's that. What humongous affect do you expect her to be having on your life if she's not going to be your partner? She's not. thereforeeee there should not be some desperate need for you to get her a message and do whatever it is you feel compelled to do. You have a crush, most people have these. I have had several. I go months without even thinking about some of my past crushes. They have no effect on my life. They are distant memories.


I can tell you that girls don't like drama, and you are full of drama right now. Sneaky messages on he board or myspace posts, this stuff is completely unnecessary and shows her that your life is still full of drama and that simply is not fun. She's not going to want to deal with it. Simply let it go brother. Shrug your shoulders and focus on your school work and meeting other people. Drop the drama.

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i have just realized sumthing i dont know why i didnt think of b4...


she has a very close friend (female) that 'm sure knows bout me and what happenned..

i am very sure that she knows ..

so should i talk to her cuz she is really nice and i have talked to her b4...

i could tell her the whole story from my point of view and see what she says..


What is the point of this? No good will come from this and there is simply no point at all.



she looks at me every now and then.. though she still hasnt spoken to me yet.... but you guys shouldnt think that she doensnt want to talk to me anymore...

so should i yalk to her friend bout this.. or try to talk to her directly....


it'll be easir for me to talk to her directly though


Who cares? She's just some girl. I hope you don't view this as some sort of victory or as another chance. She isn't interested in you and hasn't even been your friend lately. I find it upsetting that you are still so wound up over this. It's time to do some growing up so you can get on with your life. You have so many things ahead of you. Please stop obsessing over this.

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