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Ok..I found out today that Greg's family is really upset and mad at him bc what he did to me not calling and all that stuff they had party for one of the brother and they started talking about it and he got up and went to his room and shut the door...what does that really mean that he doesnt want to hear it bc he knows he mess up or what...and other questions to the guyz when u family really like the girl and u are in that stage dont want to be bother do u ever realize that ur family is right...his family thinks i would be perfect for him...what do u think i should do??? just move on and see if he ever call and we will go for there what do u think


Sorry about grammer and spelling just think this is good news bc the family is mad at him bc they really like me but most of them never even meet me either

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Thanks Swing Fox, I know I should move on but there is something that I cant move on. I mean seriuosly why did I go that night?? I know or should I say I guess I am just hoping there is something between us. I want to call but too scared to now bc what I know. Thanks again


Any other suggests guyz or girls??



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