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missed opportunity


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I was assigned to another unit yesterday at work and I met this awesome person. She isn't drop-dead gorgeous but I was so attracted by her energetic personality and her enthusiasm and passion for her work. I have a similar personality, upbeat, and have passion with what I do but I can be shy at times. There was a lot of smiling and glances form afar and I felt the attraction was mutual (either that or she was faking interest as some women do to boost their ego). We talked a lot about our lives and she asked me about what my plans were for the future. I didn't see any ring nor did she mention a BF.


I was gonna ask her out but for some reason I chickened out. Maybe because I liked her a lot and feared rejection or maybe because it all seemed like a blurr or a sweet dream. I don't really know.


Here's my problem. I probably won't be assigned to that unit ever again but I'll be on the same institution. I also won't be there for 3-4 weeks since I will be taking a leave for an emergency.


Would it be too weird/awkward/desperate to go back and ask her out when I come back?


If she was indeed interested in me, would she loose interest and be offended since I didn't ask her out the 1st time? I don't want to scare her because she might know some of my co-workers and tell them.


If it's ok to go back and ask her out, what would be my best approach? Would a note be better with my number or should I see her in person?

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I would take as direct an approach as possible. Go back and ask if she'd like to have lunch or coffee sometime to continue your conversation. That way it won't be like you're asking for a full on date. If she says yes, close the deal - either set up a time/place then or get her phone number so you can follow up.

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would it seem desperate on my part? I've only met this person once and had a golden opportunity but I blew it. I'm afraid she might have taken it as an insult that I didn't act on it right away. If she did like me than would she have taken it as a form of rejection that I didn't ask er out?

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would it seem desperate on my part? I've only met this person once and had a golden opportunity but I blew it. I'm afraid she might have taken it as an insult that I didn't act on it right away. If she did like me than would she have taken it as a form of rejection that I didn't ask er out?


No - I think reasonable people would understand you not making a move the very first time you met.

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