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He's married with kids?!?!?!?!

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My first love, Ernest, and I parted ways about 5 years ago. Since then we've managed to become friends. We've both grown as individuals and was able to strengthen our relationship.


Last January - he confessed that he still had feelings for me and that he wanted to give it another try. I was in a rocky relationship at the time so I wasn't really ready for that. But we kept in contact. He left for the war a month or so after that (he's a Marine) ...before he left, things got intimate between us...he said when he returned, he would marry me.


I got involved with someone in May - that didn't work out. Ernest has been back a couple of months now...I've made peace with "us". We're better off as friends.


I just got an email from one of his exgirlfriends (still not sure how she knew how to contact me). She warned me to be careful - that Ernest was still married to his wife and was expecting his second child soon. She even sent pictures!


I'm speechless. Not only did he lie to me, he abused my trust and totally overstepped the boundaries of our friendship. I feel like such a fool!


My question - do I confront him? Do I leave this alone? Never speak to him again? I'm so confused!

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If I were in your position, I wouldn't waste the time or energy to give this guy the time of day. To what end could there be anything circumstance where you would ever feel as though you could trust him?


Eyes forward, and look towards the future, and future happiness, rather than putting yourself into a situation where where you could never really be happy.


Good luck.

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I would confront him, hear what he has to say. if its true he did lie to you, then simply tell him its over and please not to contact you no more, that you cant have friends that cannot be trusted.


He may learn a lesson, and you get it off your chest, by the way, there is always the slightest chance that his ex that sent you that information is making things up to get back at him , who knows.


either way, you come out clean.

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