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Just need a quick opinion guys!


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I stopped by an office the other day to pick up some stuff for school and I saw a really cute guy that worked in there but I am not the really bold type so I didn't try to get his attention. I'm wondering what guys would think if they maybe got a little note or something from a (cute) girl they don't know with a number on it. I was thinking about saying hi when I go again and giving him a note or something. What do you guys think about that?? Would it be nice or not a good idea????

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I stopped by an office the other day to pick up some stuff for school and I saw a really cute guy that worked in there but I am not the really bold type so I didn't try to get his attention. I'm wondering what guys would think if they maybe got a little note or something from a (cute) girl they don't know with a number on it. I was thinking about saying hi when I go again and giving him a note or something. What do you guys think about that?? Would it be nice or not a good idea????


I agree with Friscodj on this one. Go for it I bet the guy will be totally taken by surprise.

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I stopped by an office the other day to pick up some stuff for school and I saw a really cute guy that worked in there but I am not the really bold type so I didn't try to get his attention. I'm wondering what guys would think if they maybe got a little note or something from a (cute) girl they don't know with a number on it. I was thinking about saying hi when I go again and giving him a note or something. What do you guys think about that?? Would it be nice or not a good idea????
Totally correct approach. Some people are more private than others, and would definitely appreciate respect for their " boundaries", then there's normal guys that would be totally intrigued with the gorgeous lady that took the trouble to write and drop off a note.

He's a lucky guy, give it a whirl.

I'm a guy, and guys definitely dig a girl's unequivocal attention! Good luck to you, as if you'll need it

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