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Proof that boys DO have PMS!!!!

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OK, last weekend my BF and i were out riding around. And I hear this noise from my side (passanger side) so we pull over and he has a flat tire. So we get some air in it and he quickly takes me home. On his way home I call him every 10-15 mins to make sure he's alright. (takes him a good 30 mins to get home from my house) He gets home and his car bumper comes off (his car is really low to the ground and the bumper hit the road all the time, it just had it by now). So he's really mad, and I didn't know what to say, so i try to calm him down, but soon i got sleepy (it was after 12am) and we hung up.


YESTERDAY (3 days after that car stuff happened). we are having a nice time just chatting on the phone. Then all of a sudden he gets mad, and says I don't care about his car. He flips out and gets angry about how i went out with my friends Monday. SO I'm sitting here trying to explain to him that I do care. But it just goes in ear and out the other. He's like "your gonna see it your way, and I'm gonna see it my way". So i'm like....W.T.H I'm so confused with him right now.


I feel like he's taking his stress with the car out on me. He went into this big thing about how i always want to go out, and i never want to just stay at home. and if he hangs out with his friend I'll get mad. saying how i don't try to understand. and how he always pays for everything when we go out. Just a BUNCH of random stuff that he always says he's ok with, but right then at that very moment, he decided to get mad.


I care about his car ( he has 2). I don't have a car, never had a car. How am I suppose to know how to deal with his car situation right now? I told him, I try to understand it, but it's hard cuz i i've never been in this kind of situation. He spends SO much money on that car ( 1500 just went in it for its turbo). I told him he should save some of his money and not spend it all on the car all the time. BAD IDEA he took that as, I want him to save his money so he can spend it all on me. And yes, he does pay for everything when we go out. BUT whenever i try to pay he knocks my hand out the way, and says "nah it's ok, i'll get it". I have my own money, but he never lets me use it, whenever i try. I've tried to help him get stuff for his car, but he turns that down too. WTH


I'm so confused as to why he all of a sudden got mad. PMS!!!! He started school today, so he could have been stressed out about that and his car. But why take it out on me!!! I don't know if I should be mad at him, cuz of the hurtful things he said to me last night, or just act like nothing happened. He seems to be acting like, he didn't say any of that stuff last night. Like nothing is wrong. Like what he said last night, didn't even happen. Well I'm going out of town this weekend (my great grandmother is turning 100!!!!) so I guess the time appart will be a good thing??? help!!!](*,)

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Well, I think I can identify with your boyfriend. When a man has a car that he takes pride in, he almost treats it like a girlfriend, which is fine, unless we already have one, and then it becomes more of a "mistress" lol. But honestly, it's all about balance. If he's spending alot of money on his car, but still has money for everything else (bills, food, entertainment, his GF) then it's really not fair for you to tell him not to. However, if his spending is detrimental to himself or to you (detrimental, not inconvenient), then he may have a problem managing his finances. Also, if his car is causing relationship problems, there needs to be some adjustments made. Men get touchy when they have problems with their "baby" (not you, the one with wheels), but it shouldn't cause problems like this.

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Car troubles are enough to send anyone over the edge. -Probably one of the more annoying things people deal with in life....


However, if you feel he is taking his frustration out on you, then talk to him about it and let him know that it hurts your feelings.



He flips out and gets angry about how i went out with my friends Monday.


That's not acceptable.


This just might be one of those cases where misery wants company.



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There's no talking to him about it. He said "your gonna see it your way and I'm gonna see it my way" I tried all night to try to make him see i cared, but it just went in one ear and out the other. Everything I was saying, was like he wasnt even listening. After he got his side out, it's like whatever I had to say didn't matter. like now, he's acting like nothing ever happened last night. Like he got all his stress out on me and he feels better, but i'm still upset.:splat:

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I love my Mazda.

When I slip inside her, those vinyl walls caress me, bringing a shiver even after 10 years. The warmth of her plush seat and the murmurs of 4 speakers bring me to ecstasy, and with 156K miles on her adorable odometer, her maturity can only bring us stability over the long haul.

She's a fine girl, and I'm so lucky I met her at that Hertz sales lot.

She just stood out from the crowd and said, "Take Me!"


A gift of four Bridgestones might brighten her day.

I hope so.

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I don't think i'm going to buy him a gift. I buy him things all the time. Last night he was bashing me, but today he's acting like nothing even happened. I'm still confused as to what to do about it. He doesn't really appriciate the things I do for him, the only thing he can say is "i feel the same way", all i get is a free meal (which i could have paid for myself) and a bad attitude, like last night.

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