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confusion permissible?


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I'VE BEEN WITH MY BF FOR 7 MONTHS NOW, and we have been in a long distance relationship for a month now. ever since iwent away, i am having troublesome feelings on if i should end it. i feel that i can live without him, but on the other hand i;m afraid if i make that decision that i will later on realize i need him more than i expected. does the pure fact of being confused mean you 're not in love with the person, or is that normal? when ur in love - even after the initial butterflies disappear- are you supposed to be sure of feeling if its "true love" or is having changing feelings still mean ur in love?

I am askign this because i have to make the decision of breaking up or stayin in. he loves me like crazy.

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Needing someone is possibly a sign of dependence, and it doesn't seem healthy.


I think people believe that love will keep a relationship together. That if it were "true love" everything would work. I don't know if I agree with that. I think that love is important, and two people have to work to keep love alive, but that it's work (and the commitment to keep up that work) that really keeps a relationship going.

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Hmm. Well, I think that we all have moments - even when we love someone dearly - when we have some doubts. It doesn't mean necessarily that the love is gone, or that it is time to leave the relationship.


I think the best way to go in moments like that is to pinpoint where the doubts are coming from, and talk with the person you love. It may be solvable, it might not, but things go better if you talk.


Why are you thinking of leaving? What's going on with you?

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