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hi well ill tell you about me first im about 6'4 i am in very good athletic shape and i have a blue eyes and ligh brown hair. long eyelashes and not huge but little bigger then average lips but apparently ive been told their very nice and kissable and what not. my hair is short and i dont have the best fashion sense bt its not horrible its about average, white teeth with a bit of a gap in the front again not huge but im getting braces soon anyways. but i cant seem to get a girl to even say as much as hi to me. ive been incredubly shy im in grade 11 and since grade two i reverted into a shell and talked to no one but one of my friends that i made before that. he was always super popular and it wasnt till i was in grade six that i had more friends. now i get along with all the guys and am regarded as weird but funny by almost all of them and i dont not get along with anyone just im incredibly shy with girls and if their around i almost never talk if i do at all. i was wondering if shyness was a super big turn off or what becasue i have a girl who ive fallen super hard for and i need to talk to her but i was wondering if this is why girls dont approach me, i have one or two friends that are girls and they say that they wouldnt talk to me if they didnt know me cause i appear creepy cause i never talk around girls, if thats how you feel can you give me some advice on how to get rid of the shyness or something or just what is it about me do you think thats holding me back?

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One of the best ways to get rid of shyness is to just embarrass the crap out of yourelf Seriously though, just be you, open up, don't be afraid of saying the wrong thing, cause truth is, you can't. People are gonna like you for you. Maybe it's just your perception on the situation that makes you believe you aren't getting any attention from the gals. As far as a turn off goes...some girls like shy guys, it's a cute characteristic, but what they really like is a confident guy.


Just remember, you're in highschool, and while it may seem like these people have the most important opinions in the world right now, you probably won't see most of them after you graduate. Now is THE best time to make your embarrassing mistakes, get comfortable with yourself, and most of all, just have fun! When it comes to talking to people, practice makes perfect, best way to get rid of the shyness is to just start talking to people, about anything you can think of, sometimes it might be cheesey, take it in stride, it's how you learn.

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Allright...first of all everyone goes thru ups and downs..in life...its a law of life....so don't pull self down just because of other's perception of you.

Since u need to know the reasons about why women in particular and people in general respond in a certain way, try doing some reading up about this...

i personally would strongly suggest that u go thru 'David De Angelo's' stuff...search for it on google.

Remember...most people react/respond in a certain way ...for various reasons....its cause n effect...try n figure out what 'exactly' goes on in ur mind and body (r u tensed or relaxed...etc)...work on that first....also carefully observe ur friends interaction with girls..and how it differs from the way u interact....u'll find something there too...

Everyone gets confused and falls once in a while....how u deal with it..(ur looking for directions..thats a good sign)...decides what will happen to you and for you in the future...




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