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One of my little piggies is dying

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PRSOV , as a friend, may I please ask why you are so determined that this is a silly thing that Ren is upset over the loss of her pet ? You seem a bit on the cold hearted side about it and that doesn't sound like the PRSOV I thought I knew.


I wish you were able to offer Ren at least an I am sorry for her loss of her pet, even if you do not think you would feel the same if you were a pet owner.


It would be nice if you could offer support to Ren. I know you are more good hearted inside to have really meant something like what you said to her.


I myself love my cats dearly. I have 5 of them. I have children but they are grown up and out on their own. I have nothing but my cats to keep me company on a daily basis . They love me unconditionally just as Rens piggies love her. I would be devastated if one of my cats died. I am not here to admonish you, but I just felt that you truly have more heart than that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I lost one of my favorite hamsters.Her name was Sugar she was the only one that didnt bite.Anyway,she had babies with the male only one baby survived out of nine.She was a sweety.But,she just died one day.She was just layin in her cage.Luckily her baby had just got use to drinking water.


I think God helped her live till that baby was ready to survive on its own.So Im sure God is watchin over Your babies too.Dont dread over it too much Maybe its just time for that guinea to go.But atleast u gave it a happy life.


Good Luck.

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