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girlfriend and mother of my child left after 4.5yrs

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My girlfriend dumped me after almost 5yrs. We were fighting alot and we both decided that taking a step back and see what happens would be best. Well its been 5 months now and she still doesn't want to date or anything. The problem is we have 4 children 3 are hers from previos mariage and I love those 3 to death just like my own. I still take them out and do lots of things with them, sometimes even with my ex. Just last week I took the boys school shopping and she came along and everything was great. But when I ask her if she would like to go on a date with me she says she is just not ready for that yet. Am I just being parinoid and not just giving her more time or should I just let it go? We haven't had a fight in over a month so I know our relationship is getting better what should I do?

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