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found out my boyfriend is married

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haai everyone...im really not sure if its good to talk about this but iv jst discoverd my boyfriend is married and has been for 3yrs,he told me he had a child and bcoz i liked him i chose to overlook it....bt later found out he is expecting a second 1...im now confused coz my "like" has developed to love..i cant concerntrate at work anymore coz he is constantly on my mind ,,,what do i do now...please give me advice,,,iv never been this hurt in my whole life...

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Hi and welcome to enotalone. You must be devastated to find out that he's been lying to you like that. I'm sure his pregnant wife would be devastated too if she knew what he was doing.


He is using you and he can't be trusted. If you stay with him for another second you are basically ensuring that you will have your heart broken and endure a lot more hurt. Walk away now and cut your losses while you still can.


You need to get him out of your life ASAP. You deserve someone who will make you a priority and not just a side-dish for sex.


What he is doing to everyone involved You, his wife, his child, and the unborn baby on the way is just low. This liar is not someone you should give your heart and energy to.


He will never leave his wife for you (so don't fall for those lines either). He might try to keep you around by telling you he loves you and not his wife, and bla bla bla.....He'll give excuses of what he can't leave, etc. Don't buy it. He just wants to keep the door open for convenient sex. If he had a spine he would have done the honest thing and left her a long time ago instead of having affairs- but he chose the cowardly route.


Cut him out of your life completely before this gets worse. There are plenty of good guys out there without the baggage, the lies, and the lack of morality.



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Get out of this while you still have your dignity intact.


He won't leave his wife for you.


He won't take you to public places.


He will only spend romantic evenings with you in seedy motel rooms.


And you will always play second fiddle to his wife.


I can't say with 100% certainty that it will end up that way, but these scenarios generally NEVER vary from the script.

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sorry about your situation, but everyone (including you) is right... don't have anything else to do with this guy.


one thing to think about for the long-term... if this guy cheats on a wife and kids... how could you ever trust him, even if he was with "only" you at some point in the future???


he's a bigtime loser, and you are good to have found out now instead of later.

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