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Awesome awesome stuff!!!! (longer post)

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I just had to tell everyone about this stuff. Its called Softlips. You may or may not have heard of it. Its the best. I used to have horribly chapped lips. They would crack and bleed in the middle of the night, I would wake up to blood it was bad. My mom would come in and put Vaseline on my lips but nothing ever seemed to work, and trust me, I tried every lip balm out there. Then when I was in high school a girl introduced me to Softlips.


In the 10 years that I have been using it, no more chapped lips. I can say I have never had cold sore. It has been incredible. I also used it for any rough spot on my hands from working with paper, paper cuts and the like. My mom has sensitive skin around her eyes and it dries out and cracks and she uses Softlips on it and it heals it.


One of my students had cold sores that were bad. For the first 2 months of the school year I didnt see her without them. She had them all over the sides of her mouth. It made her mouth look 2 inches bigger than it was. I brought a tube of Softlips to her and she wanted to pay me and I said no, because I wasnt sure if it would work. (They were that BAAAD). She said if it worked she would pay me back I said ok whatever. Would you believe in 3 days time it was cleared? This stuff is that good. Its light and not cakey. I have also used it for canker sores.


Anyhow, check this stuff out. Its great! It costs less than 2 or 3 dollars and its a tiny tube, but it lasts a while and most of all it works!


Thanks for reading


Have a wonderful day!!



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LoL I have tried Burt's Bees. It was ok, but not my Softlips. I also tried Aquafina's Hydrating Lip Oil. Its thick and a bit gritty. Softlips is still #1 with me. Especially after seeing what it did for my student.


Laura ~ I love the vitamin enriched, and the Vanilla. The Straweberry is good too. They also have mint flavors, cherry, and raspberry. It can be found at Wal-Mart. Its a small thin tube, but it lasts a good while. Its more expensive than say chapstick, but for me it was worth it. I would mail you a tube, but I dont think it would get to you in time. I think that Trevor would really love this stuff as well If I dont see you on here before you go in, good luck and I am praying for you!!



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Celticgirl, I have seen it all over from Wal-mart to Target to Walgreens, its usually by the chapstick and such. Its a thin tube that is ususally white. The vitamin enriched comes in a yellow tube. If you like Vanilla I highly recommed the French Vanilla. Its lovely. Its more expensive than other lipbalms but I think its worth it. Its 2-3 dollars. I have seen it for 2.99 Wal-mart usually has the best price I think, but Target is good too.


Let me know how you like it!!

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