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So I met his mom....???


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Ok I have posted in the past couple months about the guy I've been dating/hooking up with. I had sex with him right off the bat and we agreed that it was just to be a hooking up affair. Well, he took me out on dates, showed up to the bars I go to...and he's invited me to dinner. I haven't seen him in about a month because I had written him off pretty much. Monday he texts me and asks me to meet him for drinks and watch him play pool. So I did. He didn't tell me his mom would be there. It was realllllly weird. I talked to his mom, very nice woman. I met his co-workers. Now I'm inclined to think that guy's, especially momma's boys, do not introduce the girl they hook up with to their mom's. Am I right? By the way, I did not go home with him. I gave him a kiss good night and left.

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It's always been the thought that if you introduce your "date" to your parents that the relationship has taken the next step. In most instances that is correct, but there are people who don't see it that way and don't think twice about introducing them to their parents. I guess considering you haven't seen or talked to him in a month, I may just keep the mind set that it didn't mean anything and go from there. Your best clue will be how he interacts with you now after you have met her.

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It's interesting how you are willing to be intimate with him yet unwilling to ask him a direct question about your status in his life. I too know people who have no qualms about introducing to parents just about anyone - means nothing or is neutral. Real question is- why do you care if as you say it is just for s_x?

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I'm cool with it being just about sex, but now it's just confusing. I have been avoiding him for the past month, simply because of the confusion. He will ask me out to dinner, he wanted to go to dinner last week but I told him I was too busy. I don't know what he wants, and I don't really know how to bring it up. Either way I'm happy but meeting his mom creeped me out.

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I mean this respectfully but your post is inconsistent. Being "cool" and yet "confused?" If you were cool you would not care (especially not enough to post) what he did or didn't do as long as you achieved your goal - which you claim is s__x. I think it's good that this happened because it is forcing you to be honest with yourself that perhaps you do want more and are not comfortable with it just being about s_x. What is creepy about meeting someone's mother other than you're wondering if it means something to him? And why not just ask him if it does? You don't need advice, you just need to sit quietly with yourself and be honest about what you want out of this interaction other than s_x. Perhaps I am biased because I have never been able to enjoy that kind of intimacy outside of a loving committed relationship and I know many (many!) women who lie to themselves that that is all they want and end up calling the men "jerks" simply because the men went along with it. Then, from that cynical perspective they find they cannot form a healthy relationship.


There are people who are content with casual intimacy. Seems to me you are not one of them - hence the confusion.

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I guess I don't understand if you had pretty much written him off as you said in your first post, then why did you do that? You make it sound as though he didn't contact you, and then when he did you met his mom? Why would you even wonder what it meant if a month ago you wrote him off. I think there is more feelings here than you are allowing yourself to realize, and more importantly I think you want to come accross as it is no big deal the whole thing is just about sex because if it were, why wouldn't you have slept with him the night you met his mom?

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