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Dreaming of the ex...3 months nc

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After a 3 year relationship and 3 month nc, I find myself dreaming of him lately... I don't know whether it's his b'day coming up soon that is making me feel uneasy to text or not to text... or the fact that it is well and truly over... It's like re-living the pain all over again seeing him in my dreams and my thoughts are even stronger than ever of him... dreaming hurts just as much...


I know he never loved me, treated me so badly... but the dreams are making me really feel pain again...


I don't think I should text him because what he did was not ok, no-one should treat me like garbage, but I'm really struggling at the moment. I feel like I'm never going to move on, get over him etc..


Any words of advice would be appreciated.... thankyou....

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Your just like all of us. But I have to tell you, yeah it hurts to dream, but its like crying, you will feel better.


Problems going on in our lives get worked out in dreams. You see a scary movie that gets to you, most people dream once about it. Then it goes away, your brain works it out of your thoughts.


Relationships take a long time to get out of your mind. You need to cry and dream. Look up catharsis. You'll understand it more.


It is going to probably take you atleast a year to get over him, but dont worry if it takes longer than that. Just keep moving through life. You will get better.


Times slows down when your down and out, but you will get better. If there is anything you need to get out keep posting on your thread.

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It's emptiness and sadness that you see in your dreams. And it has his face because when you were with him that emptiness was fulfilled with something like relationship, even if it was bad.

Please don't contact to him. He won't fill your craving for connection. You deserve better. I know it because I have the same feeling and pain. I daydream about being with my ex.

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Catharsis... you're right Gottaletitburn sounds like what I am probably doing. I haven't let myeslf cry lately... I tried to write a letter but I couldn't gather anywords.. I told him everything whilst we were together, opened up my soul... only for him to reject and stomp all over me. Gave him so many chances, to which he always took me for granted.. Now the words won't come... I feel I said it all when we were together, when I should have.

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