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It was just a simple question...

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Ok I asked my boyfriend the ol' "why you love me" question. We've been dating a year and a half and he's asked me it before so I didn't really see a big deal in it. Well he got irritated as to why I asked it and signed off-line. We were talking through AIM instant messages at the time. Anyway, so I talked to my cousin Joe who seems to be his best friend lately (well that's what Joe thinks anyway) and he says I was asking too much and that were only boyfriend and girlfriend, and what I'm asking for is like asking something from a husband. Which was totally off the wall to me because it was just a simple question, I would of been happy with the answer "because I just do". Then my cousin goes into telling me That I'm too young to expect these kind of things and that that's why he doesn't date younger girls because it's too much crap and blah blah blah. I didn't think it was that big of a deal. Am I asking too much out of it? I don't know how else to phrase it..

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If your boyfriend asked it of you, why can't you ask it of him? Was there something else bothering your boyfriend? Maybe this was a question you could have asked him in person as it might have meant more to both of you. However, I don't think you were asking too much, especially if he asked it of you before. Perhaps he is the type that thinks you should know why he loves you, but everyone needs reassurance now and again.

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Why would ur bf be mad at you for asking that if he has asked it before himself? that's ridiculous. If you can call him I would and ask him what's wrong and that you meant it just as a simple question. Guys freak out over that stuff. Just tell him that you didn't mean anything deep by it really. If you can't call him now I'd do it A.S.A.P.

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I don't think that question was like that hard to answer even for both sexes who have been out for as long as you guys, maybe he just didn't want to be all emotional or whatever. Maybe he couldn't give you a straight answer because he doesn't want to think about why he loves you but he just does because your so special?


Don't listen to your cousins comments (only when he has something constructive for you to say). It's not really his business anyway.


In my opinion I think your boyfriend was over-reacting but I hope he comes to his senses soon.


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