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Since i cant actually send it....



So now, you've done it. You have pushed to the point where I need to call a lawyer, is that what you were hoping for? This is going to be so much worse for you now....


Was piicking up your toiletries that big of a deal? Could you not have waited a few more days after you devasted me yet again? My friends and family have been screaming at me to protect myself and I just couldnt believe that you would hurt me anymore. Yet, you do and you cointinue to.


What did I do to you? Our marriage didnt work out. I am sorry for that, truly I am. I wish you hadnt cheated and just been a man and walked away. You didnt and now I have to deal wiht that additonal hurt and humiliation. It wasnt my fault, I didnt let you down on purpose. Let me deal with my pain in my own way, my own time. You are not hurting, you told me this. I need to figure out how to get through this because I am. I need to do that without you doing things that you say are to help me whihc are making things a thousands time worse. I wasnt broke, I dont need to be fixed by you. You have done enough damage. Your disappointment in our relationship caused you to lash out and be mean to me for 9 months. Do you still want to continue to do that? What in the world did I do to you that you want me to suffer more? I helped you in every way possible that I knew how. And you still want to take more? Why????


And now its too late. I have no choice but to protect myself, call the lawyers as my friends and family are suggesting. There will be no peaceful resolution. It is not what I wanted. I thgought we could be civil. That meant no more hurt. Why couldnt you do that?

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