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Girls and their Friends?

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Ok I can see how you would ask your friends for advice and help, but is it normal to do everything your friends tell you to do? My ex has some bad friends and they do a lot of drugs and stuff like that. She told one of my buds that she is grounded cause her and her so called friends snuck guys into her room and drank alot. Then they got caught! I had to go to school today and register. While there I talked to her mom who works there and she sounded very frustrated with everything. I saw Erin and she looks bad. She has put on weight, acne gotten bad, and she looks like she has been doin drugs. She has big bags under her eyes now, too. My friend said she didnt sound happy at all when he talked to her. Even when she started talkin about her new b/f. It seems like everything her friends tell her to do she does. She rarely drank b4 this break up. Im afraid she has started doin drugs like her friends. Is there anything I could possibly do? Or is everything just out of my hands now? I still care about her and her well being! I dont wanna see her mess her life up like her hoe friends.


Thanx in advance,


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Hey Z,


I don't think this is in your hands anymore. She needs to make a conscious decision to stop drinking and drugging and get her life in order. As a friend you may want to talk to her about straightening her life out, you may be the only true friend that she has. If she doesn't change, then that is all her fault and no blame can be put on you, people do the things that they do because they decide to do them not because someone tries to convince them.

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Her friends were one of the main reasons for us breaking up, too. They were gettin between Erin and me, but when I told her that she just got mad. Then they told her to stop talkin to me so she did. I just found this out a couple of days ago. Its kinda hard to get back with someone when her best friends are against you, and that appears to be who she listens to. It kills me to have to sit back and watch her do this to herself. Everything could change if she stopped hangin around with them. But I can't tell her to do that. She will have to do that on her own. But I seriously doubt that will happen.

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