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are there exercises that help to increase your positive behavior?


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What exactly are those exercises, if they do exist? It is more than just talking to people..I do that constantly at work and still whenever I go out to other social situations I make people feel uncomfortable around me because I'm not a very positive person.


I want to create a routine where I'm doing something that will make me feel happier with myself and others. It's important because right now I'm taking a SALSA CLASS. And I have to do something before all of the women in the class will view me as a very serious, humorless guy. I'm not doing well in the salsa class, and I'm taking it hard because our teacher will deduct points for any mistakes made, no matter how small. Originally I want to look good in the class but now it seems that I have to feel good as well. Part of the reason why I'm negative is because I'm shy and also I'm assuming that the women in the class feel uncomfortable around me.


I heard of this one technique where a person forced himself to smile more by standing in the mirror for a while with a pencil clamped between his teeth. I tried it but stopped because my open mouth began to drool. It was silly anyways..I need something more substanial and long-lasting..more of a mental aid.



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for me practising sport and making sure I get enough fresh air already makes me more relaxed.

perhaps watching cabaret or something could make you feel more in a humoristic mood

taking healthy food and take well care of yourself could make you feel better perhaps

creating an own style as well (being yourself)

perhaps these are not things you expected or very well suiting to this topic but it are the things that work good for me

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I have struggled with the same issue. Not being able to lighten up and relax around others and finding myself just holding tighter and tighter inside because I cannot let go. One thing that works for me, I bought a joke book(positive humor only, nothing that puts anyone down) ripped out a page and stuck it in my pocket. Throughout the day, when I start feeling down or when I am about to enter a new situation, I pull out the paper and read one of the jokes, if it wasn't funny enough to put a smile on my face, I keep reading.


Pretty soon, I'll find one and start laughing, when I enter the new situation, I am happy and more relaxed. Sometimes, I'll even tell the joke to someone. This get's them in a better mood and easier to talk to..fun for everyone...

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