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tired of life...

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I'm tired of my life.


I feel like I'm a nobody.


I'm 20 years old and I feel like this already. At this rate, I don't want to make it to my 21st birthday.


I have a steady job, with decent money. I'm not poor or anything.


I have a few close friends, and they seem to get on OK.


I'm interested in computers and using the internet. I like sports, music and enjoy the movies and stuff.


I like writing stories and stuff, creative stuff, using my imagination.


Everyone is always saying how lovely I am, how nice I am, how smart I am, and how hardworking I am, but why is it they get everything and I get nothing.


Everything I have is what I've bought myself.


It's like no one gives a damn about me.


I'm not ugly or anything (or at least that's what everyone says), so I don't think that's my problem. Everybody says I've got a lovely smile. Where the hell has that got me... NOWHERE!


I've been as nice as possible, but still seem to get the crap end of the stick.


Whatever I try to do seems to go wrong in the end.


I'm tired of being on my own all the time. Although I get on with my parents, they don't really talk to me about emotional stuff like this. It's as if they think I'm still a 12-year-old kid or something.


My two elder brothers, the eldest being married with 3 children, and the other having a good social life, always going out with his friends (male and female).


It seems like no-one is interested in me, I'm just the nice guy in the corner who comes in handy every so often.


I know I'm quiet, but that doesn't mean I'm boring, does it?


I'm just really fed up, tired of everything. My life is going nowhere.


I don't drive, I don't drink, I don't smoke, nor do I have any wish to. I don't want to be forced into doing those things.




I guess this all started with a girl at work who I like. I was stupid enough to think she actually liked me, but, as always in my life, it turned out to be just another mess-up by me. link removed


I told everyone I liked her, but no one seemed interested at all.


And the thing that makes me angry is you get some real assholes at work who get all the attention from the women.


I don't want to be like that, but it seems that you have to be like that in this world in order to get the attention of the opposite sex.




I've seriously been considering just getting up, taking a few things and walking away from everything and everyone.

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Rus, hey there.

Everyone gets tired once in awhile, look around these boards...endless amounts of people who are just plain sick and tired of being alone, or being rejected. Point being, its pretty common. There are millions of sites like this, and many more people that feel this way.


Your 20, you are very young...there is SO much that will change in you as the years pass. You are JUST starting! The reality is bad things do happen to good people, and a great smile is never going to get you anywhere....its what you put out and what you offer others that will get you what you want.


In regards to a social life, only you can build that...in one statement you sound angry for not having a social life, in the next you say you dont want to be forced to do things to get you into the in crowd...but there is a fine line in there my friend. You do have to be able to be open to trying new things, to explore what kinds of people you fit best with....you have to take the time to meet people and follow through with things. I have a feeling you say...ah whatever, before it even starts.....


And then this girl, you know I think you a overreacting a tad. First she may really have had to leave....and she may have thought you were wanting to ask a work related question. And second DONT yell for a girl....get up and walk to her.....!


know why the "jerks" get the girls? They put themselves out there, they take the risk.... they are always talking.....and they never stop trying. Its not till much later we realize they are "jerks".

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  • 1 month later...

Man i totally feel you........................WHY am i here?

I believe in destiny but if destiny is going to Just F*ck me why be here?

And...............if there is a God then there had to be something before God.........God could not have always been right? ..........lol that was a little far.........


anywho i just need something i haven't found..........i hope we all find that one thing.

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  • 2 years later...

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