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Does he like Me?

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OKay so i kindof have a crush on this guy that i have known for a while. The only problem is that he's friends with my one close friend and her friend and her friend likes him too. BUt the other day we were all at his house watching tv and he didn't talk to her at all and kept talking to me and then would be like "I can't believe that Goastbuster11 is in my house." I'm really into this guy only i dont want my friends friend to hate me. And she's the kindof person that would too. I'm scard that she will but my feelings won't go away and everyone is telling me to go for him. Does he like me and should i risk hurting my friends, friend?

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I think the potential for something is there. The only time when I've acted like that was when I was interested. So, I think he might be. But regardless, if you feel that way towards him: try it.

It's great that you think of your friends so much. If you two start going out, just make it clear to your friends that friendship is forever. Maybe devote some time just to your friends.


I hope everything works out soon!

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hey girl,


Dont worry about it so much Theres a possible way that he likes you. But im not exactly sure, guys can be tricky at times.If shes not making the first move on him...and shes just waiting for him to go to her, then YOU make the first move.Its not a competition or anything though....but seriously , i think you should just mayeb try to hang out with him and you....by yourselfs and get to know one another more. And if he DOES like you then thats great! ,,,,,,tough luck for your friends friend...You cant please everyone. Dont stay away from him just cuz ur too afraid to her your friends friend , if your not even close buds with her then why sweat it?




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