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What constitutes "addiction?"

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What constitutes an addiction for ya'll? I know my definition, but I'd like to know what everybody else thinks.


My definition is simple: it's when you freak out when you don't have whatever your substance is or you feel more normal while under the influence than vice versa.

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it's when you freak out when you don't have whatever your substance is...
That pretty much sums up mine.


Don't we sometimes forget that the same dependancy we see in hardcore drug addicts or alcoholics keeps us buying coffee every morning? Even eating bread; you wanna see withdrawals? I dare you to go without it for a week

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When you'd sacrifice everything to feed your addiction.


When you'd steal from your friends and family to pay for whatever it is.


When you'd sell things precious to you to pay for it.


When you need your fix to make it thru the day.


When nothing matters but whatever it is you're addicted to.


When you look in the mirror and you're not sure of who, or what, you've become, but you don't like it...and then you go bury that by getting your fix.


When you're using that activity/substance to hide from yourself, or others.


When you deny that you have a problem.


There's so much more, but that's mainly what I think.

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When you deny that you have an addiction to ...


I don't like that definition, b/c sometimes that person really DOESN'T have an addiction and then what are they supposed say?



Also, in my question I guess I was wanting to know specifically what ya'll thought as well. Like how many drinks how many days a week constitute an alcoholic; or how many pills a day before its an addiction?


AND if it's a recreational drug worse than all that, like cocaine, then what? If you do it occasionally, is it automatically a problem just b/c it's one of the harder substances?


I overcame addiction, like an addiction where there was no gray area, drugs completely consumed my life.

But now I see people I know who aren't like I was, drugs don't overpower their whole lives, but they are definitely a distraction or an issue even if it's not full blown substance abuse. There is just so much gray area...

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is it automatically a problem just b/c it's one of the harder substances?


Absolutely. It doesn't matter if you're an 80 pound crack monkey who is on welfare and holding a needle while I'm writing this post, or if you're a business executive who drives a BMW and only does "high quality" crack once a month.

Both of these people are losers and need to wake the * * * * up and face reality. A junkie is a junkie.


Caffeine addiction gives you headaches. Gambling addiction can financially ruin you. Smoking will give you cancer later in life. But drugs will kill you TODAY, and maybe even someone next to you. It's a completely different ballgame.

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