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I have this co-worker(Her name is Jessica Y.) before (I don't know what's with me and my co-workers--They seem to find me attractive-- ), she likes me (our supervisor had told me), and over the months we've worked together (We worked together for 6 months), I've learned to like her too. I never asked her out , cause I was moving to Arizona (I used to live in Canada) and I don't know if I could handle a long distance relationship. It's been 3 years since I moved to Arizona, we haven't had any contact since. I have searched for ways to contact her ( I found out her sister's email), but I am not getting any response, I can't convince her or her sister to reply to me. I don't know what to do, after 3 years she's still on my mind. Should I forget everything, and focus on my current "situation" (WITH MY OTHER HOPELESS CASE--look at my other posts)? Help me to try to convince her that I still like her.

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How long have you been trying to get in touch with her by email?



I think you should move on it has been three years and she may already have a boyfriend or worse!


She may not even remember you. I do not remember all of my co-workers sometimes after many years.


Well give it some more time maybe two weeks, after that move on and seek out other friendships.


The best adivice to any one is to move on, thinking about your ex all the time is not good for you trust me I know!

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