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I turned 18 july fourth of this year. I live with my grandmother and I am in college..third semester...i bought my own car...all the clothes i own, i bought. For the past two years i have done everything on my own. I grew up fast living with my mom getting involved in drugs and stuff....and had to get out of that situation in maryland 2 and a half years ago and moved with my grandma in another state. Well, i've been with my boyfriend for 2 years now. His family...is nuts...he has a mom and a dad and two brothers. he is the middle child, they are drama starters...they * * * * * about everything and they CONTROL everything. well my boyfriend and me fight...not ALOT but we do...hes..very closed minded...and unsocial with people he doesnt know...hes just private i guess....well im the opposite...but we love eachother and have been through alot. we smoke pot here and there...its not that serious. well our families dont agree with it...we just choose not to tell them...we're not stoners...we dont blow our money on it...or do it at their houses...we do it alone...sometimes. well his mom found out...and wouldnt let me and him be alone anymore upstairs in his room...so a week later he gets mad cuz we haven't spent hardly anytime together....i have 2 jobs and school....and he works full time...and were working on getttin his GED..well he went upstairs and ignored everyone...so that made me mad...and i left...well his mother gets mad cuz he wasnt talking to her...HE WAS MAD AT HER....and called my grandma and told her we're drug addicts and completley LIED on me about alot of other stuff....so my grandma kicked me out....wellshe let me back in last night. well anyways...the house accross the street from his parent's house is owned by a friend of theirs...for twenty years now...well he just uses the garage for his sidework on cars....he has a house a few miles away...its his house where him and his ex wife lived for a long time and he just can't give it up...so hes gunna let me and my boyfriend rent it for like...50 bucks a week. and the utilites...we each pay a third...its like...MAYBE 150 bucks a piece for me and him...plus other things...we know...weve fihgured it out...and we can affordit....welll my grandma doesnt want me to and thinks its a mistakeand that im gunna end up like my mom....he hasnt talked to his parents about it...and im just not sure....like what to do....any advice anyone???? i need HELP!! theres alot more to it...but yeah ask any questions if it will help your response....


confused young lady

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I can totally relate to how you feel, but having moved out of my mom's house (also stayed with my gran for awhile) when I was 18, I can tell you it's not all moonsine and roses like it seems when you are planning it. I must admit owning your own car wil help a great deal, but there are so many responsibilities that you don't realise before moving out, that you need to have a strong relationship, be very level headed, and in a good position to support yourself, before taking a step like this, are you really ready?

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