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Is it better to have loved and lost? What do you think?

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They say, "Tis better to have loved and lost, then to have never loved at all" Really? Well I wonder is that really true. I wonder what Romeo and Juliet would have to say to this. This is a common saying that I have heard thrown around at nauseum. I'm not saying I disagree with it, of course I'm not saying I do agree with it. But I wonder what do you all think?


Is love really so critical to our survival and growth that it is better to suffer in heartbreak then to never experience it? Is it worth the risk of being devastated? Tell me enotalone, what do you think?

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I think that it IS better to have loved. My reason is this.... when you loose a love for whatever reason, the pain can be blinding. But my view is that at least you are feeling something even if it is pain. The euphoria of new love is like a drug. It can be amazing. It is definitely worth it. And one of these times... maybe it won't end in pain. Maybe it won't end at all. And that is a chance worth taking. My heart is in charge of my life and I prefer that to "autopilot" any day.

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I think all life's experiences, good and bad, are meant to each us about ourselves...how we react to others, how we react to ourselves. It stretches you beyond your norm.


So yes, it's better to have loved and lost...you wouldn't feel lost if you didn't feel love. No point of comparison. We as humans, tend to dwell on the bad...we forget how to appreciate things sometimes.

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I would also say yes. It is unquestionably worth going through with love. Ive been heart broken twice and nothing is stopping me from believing that there might be someone out there still waiting. While you're in love, you become a better person. When you end, you become a stronger person. You really don't lose anything at the end, just gain. And the memories of a good love, are priceless. That's my opinion from my experiences. I hope i never stop taking my chances with love.

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first of all, romeo and juliet is bullshit! for hell's sake why would they know wat real love is about when they were only 14 and 16!

i dont believe in love in general, obviously im not a fan of love at first sight, in other words dont make ur "love" life based on stories and sayings uve heard. Goodluck see ya!

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I think everyone should allow themselves to love at least once, preferably when they're younger. To love and be loved, then to have it taken away is the painful experience in life that truly makes you a stronger person and probably is the #1 cause of your first loss of innocence.


Very painful, but a great lesson in life and love.....

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Against what most people would say, I disagree. Before love, I was a happy go lucky girl, with tons of friends and a great social life. I fell in love with an amazing guy, and it ended in him leaving me. I now hurt constantly, don't liek to go out, and just over all a sadder quieter person. And its not like it was recntly it was almost 9 months ago, so love is great, and loosing love is awful, but dont loose yourself, and who you are in a guy!

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Hey long time no talk.... come on you know the answer to that question. Of course it is better to have loved then never loved at all. You learn so much from yourself when you are in love and like we all know here with love can come heartache and it only makes you a better person when you look back. I have never regretted the love I have felt for anyone because I feel if I did then I should have never loved them in the first place. Dont ever second guess the way you feel or felt for someone becasue at the time things were good it was the best place to be.

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