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Meet up and say goodbye for ever or just leave it as it is??

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Hi everyone,


One of my friends is leaving to go home soon (she is from another country), we were involved for a short while. I didnt get chance to say goodbye to her the other day when myself, her and loads of our friends all went out for a few drinks. I am over her but i would like to say goobye because i will probably never see her again.


Her best friend, whom i have been involved with more recently and still have very strong feelings for, may also be leaving too. I dont know for sure if she is leaving because things have been quite awkward for a few weeks now. We were best friends and she told me she wanted to stay, but then we got together for the night and we havent really had the same connection since.


She was out with us the other night, made out with some guy for a dare and went on about how she is best friends with someone from college (needless to say, she would have considered me to be that person a few weeks ago, but not anymore). It hurt at the time, but i have come to realise that there are more important thigns in life than gettin hung up over little things like that.


These two girls are pretty much inseperable, and i dont want to have to face them both together. So should i ask them individually to meet up, or just completely forget about them and get on with my life without properly saying goodbye? I dont know if they will want to meet up individually...


The other thing is, im not too sure if girl #2 will want to meet up, becuase things are still a little awkward and she seems to have ignored the last 2 texts that i sent her a while back. But, i still need to know if she intends to stay or go becuase i dont want her to just disappear. If she is going then i want to get a chance to say goodbye properly.


Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!

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If you want to play russian roulette, meet up with them separately, but I don't suggest it.


If they are inseparable, then they will talk to each other about your individual meetings, so I would ask to meet them together.


I was say goodbye, if it would provide closure for you or make you feel more comfortable with parting with them.


Give it a shot, you have nothing to lose.


Good luck!


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