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All ye smarter than I...please help...

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Hey all.


First of all, I would like to let you know, you sure are one of the most concieted people out there for clicking on this forum...you really think you're that smart?! hahaha. kidding.


Anyway, a few months ago, I was about to blow up becuase so much crap was going on in my life and i needed a friend desperately and this older woman and i went on a bikeride and I just had a breakdown and I cried my eyes out and told her about my problems and my friends' problems [some of which were supposed to be private]...anyway, the woman dug information out of me and i kept on giving and i trusted her...she went and told all of my friends and their mothers. My friends denied everything because they didn't want to get in trouble & their mothers got pissed off and started yelling at me for spreading rumors about their daughters [but of course they weren't rumors...they were true]. And as you know with the game telephone...things get exxagerated along the way....


So either way, one of the friends' private stuff i shared was my best-friend, Liz, and she said a whole bunch of crap about me and turned against me completely. So basically I was the prey of about 6 predators and their parents who called my parents up and got them involved. So much disappointment overall. Liz went and befriended my arch enemy, Natalie.


Anyway, Natalie went away on summer vaca. so things got better between Liz and I and now we're best-friends again. The trust issue got worked out. I'm a changed woman america. haha. but anyway, Natalie returned a few days back and today I called Liz and she told me she was talking to Natalie and that she'd call me back. And now she calls me back after like a few hours and i was sarcastic like, "ohh. ...way to call me back after 2 minutes like you said you would. NOT COOL!!!" and she was like, "Oh no. her mom started talking to my mom..." etc. etc. etc. and i reminded her about how i was sorta insecure about her being back and Liz said: "I know...don't worry."


Either way, like, my gut feeling about Liz is that she's not true to me and that she will never be true to me and I'm sorry for those of you who think I'm nuts...but i always listen to my gut feeling and its probably saved me from the biggest perils of life. hahaha. but yesss...


What should I doooo??? Stay friends? Stay best-friends? Talk to her? Get over it? Change myself?


ayudame por favor!




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God gives you instincts for a reason, you aren't crazy for going with your gut... =D


In hindsight, eNotalone would have been a good place to dump everything as opposed to on a person who apparently wasn't trustworthy... but I really don't think you can do anything about it. Reputation and Virginity, two things that once lost can never be regained.


But specifically:

Stay Friends: Unless it becomes a matter of ignoring you, yes.

Stay Best-Friends: as Above.

Talk to her: Maybe, but if she tells you not to worry about it, will that really make you feel any better?

Get Over It: That's what you're doing now...

Change Myself: Never change, everyones good how they are... =D


Hope this helped, though probably not... ^_^

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Hmm... I was friends with arch-enemies once. Both of them knew I wasn't a sounding block for their hatred so there weren't any problems.. Even less so now that we are all friends.


If you trust your friend than I don't think you have much to worry about. But you don't.. And I feel that if you don't trust someone there is usually a reason for it. I think it might be a little bit hastey to call off the friendship right now though but it might be a good idea to be more guarded with your secrets.. Don't tell her anything you wouldn't want your arch-enemy knowing.


Or you could be like Paris and tell her something untrue and see if it leaks...

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Yes i am a real strong believer in my gut aswell. Just dont hang out with her anymore or if you do make it less than you normaly do, and dont tell her anything you dont want other people to know. and NO dont change yourself not for anyone, stay who you are

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