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she called today told me bad news!

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ex called me today said it was over not to call her anymore that she didnt want a relationship with me said she wanted to be friends but we couldnt said she was pregnant by her landlord and was going to marry him(sob)!tore my heart out but ive got a question i had sex with her on the 11th of july unprotected while she was having a period could this be my kid i should have a dna or do you think she is telling me this to get me out of life! im about to loose my mental stability!please god help me through this!

she acts jealous of my girl friends just friends!i think maybe she is telling me lies about the marriage and pregnacy!or maybe im still hoping for a string of hope!I love her so much but not likewise!keep me in your prayers!!!my first post to this situation link removed

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If I were you, I would cease ALL CONTACT with this woman, ESPECIALLY if you're talking about having sex with her, and the kid might be yours!


Let's say that this kid DOES turn out to be yours, DNA wise. Would you want a relationship with a 'ho' who sleeps with her landlord? Wisen up, friend, and get away from her as far away as you can!


She is NOT WORTH THE EFFORT or even thinking about! I hope I have helped and I don't mean to cause you alarm, but THIS ONE is BAD NEWS.

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thank you i do agree to leave her alone i hope some where down the road she will be done such as she has done me!she has lied to me the last five months no im not doing the landlord just an old friend yes actions do speak louder than words ppl dont end up like me just starting to hurt again looking for false hope that was never there just being played what a idiot i am. ps the landlord has a bunch of hud houses corvette harley with side car and sells white powder that you put up your nose with a friend very very close county attorney that covers ever evil that he does yes he likes the powder also and ppl that will or wont do a thing in this town!!makes me very sick! if she is making up lies about being pregnant or gonna marry is a very hurtful yes i know smell the coffee i must have burnt nose hairs.yes the house she lives in we are paying him 600.00 a month yes us hud housing!thanks for your help i hope i will heal thinking about going to doctor monday for some anti depressants should i very very down.

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Hi there. Wow thats a raw deal. But I agree with the other posters in one respect - you are better off without her!


Now that leaves one other major question - what about the baby? If it is yours do you want a relationship with this child? Would you be willing to raise him or her if it is yours? These are some things to think long and hard about.


If she marries this guy before the baby is born then he is called the 'presumed father' of the baby. That means you have NO rights in most states (some states are different). If this baby is yours and you are willing and able you might want to fight for custody.


I think you should seek the advise of a paternity attorney ASAP. Even if you don't want the baby, she may decide to hit you for some child support (whether the baby is REALLY yours or not).

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yes i would fight for visitation and be there for my kid im 44 and never had any kids non fertile women but im still concerned that this is a lie just to get me out of her life this guy that she is going with real winner plenty of money though she told my buddy nothing about being pregnant or getting married right before she called me so the big question is she or not she said we didnt even have sex excuse me i was there she was on her period but toward the end of her cycle so is it possible they say yes but she said it was not mine its the coke seller can i make her take the test i will call a lawyer tomorrow!! whew what a load on my mind and heart!its only been about 30 days so i dont know if she knows or not!what a *itch stomp your heart and play mind games. i told her she was going to jail with this guy (trying to help him out) not to get her back i could never look back trying to wake her up all she sees is the money!!keep me in your prayers please!!!

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It is certainly possible the baby is yours. Timing of intercourse matters very little. They've just released research that says a woman can release multiple eggs at different times of the month so all of that rhythm method contraception stuff goes right out the window.


You can force a DNA test after the baby is born (the baby takes the test, not her). Before the baby is born you cannot do much except be ready. Go see a lawyer and get some good advice. Thats the most important thing - have a good advocate fighting for your rights. Don't take her word for anything. You'll know whether she is telling the truth about being pregnant in a few months


In the meantime, be good to yourself. I will pray for you and ask for some peace to come into your life. Keep us informed, and never give up hope!

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