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I need Help! I dont know what do, i still LOve him!

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My ex and i broke up 2 yrs ago...and in the last 2 yrs we been friends we stop talking to each other ( I initiate non contact) but weeks or months later he calls me if i dont answer he comes by my house stops by my job if he cant find me he emails me...


He was having problems he had no place to stay back in May and i let him stay in my home...i just cant see letting him be homeless so i helped him...he went out of town last weekend and we had some problems while he was away so when he came back he seen my mom had come from out of town, him and my mother do not like each other at all...so he made a phone call and packed his things and left. Ever since hes been gone things been kind of shady between us, hes acting kind of superior..


He told me that when he was settled in his new place (which he is rooming with suppsedly his homegirl and her boyfriend) he was going to bring me by to show me the place...well now he said he is never bring me me there... I asked him y he said becoz he is not bringing any females over the house...i told him i am not just some female u would meet somewhere and bring home i been with him 4 yrs helping him being there for him and now he categorizes me as a "female" so i was offended we argued and he left.


Later that night he started calling me but i wouldnt answer his calls so he stopped by telling me he wanted to chill with me for a lil bit..but none the less asked me for sex...i didnt agree...well saturday night i sent him a text message from a website not from my phone, so it came to him as "uknown sender" but the message was the type of message that he should have known it was me...but he called me and asked me if had sent him the message...i said no..yes I know it sounds like im playing games but i again felt offended that he even had to ask me if it was me.


So i sent him another text message later on that day and told him how offended i felt he had to ask me if i sent the message if what it said should have been from me and he should have known this...needless to say i am very hurt to this day so i decided not to answer his calls...he has been calling me since sunday afternoon and since i havent answered my phone he sent me an offline message on yahoo saying: "thanks for not answering your *bleeping* phone, had something important to tell u, but i see how is." If it ws so important y couldnt he leave me a voicemail or if he had the need to send me an offline message at least telling me nicely i been trying to call u please call me back i have something important to tell u...or just let me be...what does he want from me?...

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too me he sounds confused about what he really wants. if he wants you to see his new place then just up and decides he doesn't want any females over without giving you a reason, he's confused. if he's still calling you, and trying to make excuses for you to call him back. i would tell him he needs to figure out what he wants from you.

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