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This girl in my class

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hey, i just started school back and there is this cute girl in my last class of the day. so i figure it's the perfect time to get to know her, because this class is pretty small and she sits right next to me. and i've also, over the past few months, been trying to pick up on body language and stuff, just to see if i could do it. so we get in the class, and i notice small things like..how her body is pointing towards my desk, so to speak, or how she'll glance at me when i'm not looking. we did group work yesterday and she and i paired off together and she sat like..directly in front of me and would lean in and it seemed like we were constantly making eye contact and smiling. but she just seems like the kind of person who always smiles and stuff.. so what do you guys make of all this stuff? am i just hoping for any little thing lol..or do you think this is legit?

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Well, we can guess if she likes you, but the best way to know is to just ask her out, something simple, like say, hey, would you like to get some coffee on Friday or something of the sort. I like coffee for my initial dates, it makes me feel very unobligated to a man, and it's cheap, try that.

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totally agree with Rose.... you probably are just attracted to her, so any little thing she does you will interpret as "intrest" i say ask her out on a little date like that, or talk to her more in class to get to know her better...


i dont know how old you are, but i had a similiar kind of thing happen to me when i was 17 in HS, and i THOUGHT this girl was always glancing over at me and showing "interested" body signals.... and finally one day in class i just started talking to her, and eventually we went out on a date, and... dated for about 2 years so its possible!!! go for it!

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yeah, i'm 17 and in h.s. so thats where i stand..but isn't it true that a bunch of eye contact and smiles generally means your on to something. i'm usually a huge procrastinator, so i put off talking to people, but this was the first week of school and we're already getting to know each other, so at least i'm getting off on the right foot lol.

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If you are focusing on all of those little details then you are completely overanalyzing, and that is very bad. There is no way you can tell with enough certainty that she is interested in you based upon those "signs". If you keep trying you're only going to hurt your chances.

A real sign of interest is her saying "yes" when you ask her out. A real sign of interest is her kissing you back when you kiss her. A real sign of interest is her having sex with you. A real sign of interest is a girl who wants to be with you all of the time. Her smiling, winking, flirting, laughing, etc are not reliable signs at all and you waste your time if you are looking towards those "signs" in order to "get permission" to ask her out.

Do you think that popular stud baseball player in school sits in class all day wondering if she likes him, analyzing how many times she looks at him, etc? No, he walks up to the girl in the halls, flirts with her, teases her, and asks her out. That's why he's getting girlfriends.


Think about it.

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