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tomahawk chop

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Everything posted by tomahawk chop

  1. hey everybody, so there is this good looking girl from europe that showed up at school and apparently is here for a little while. I'm not sure if she moved here or what, but she's here for a while since she is taking classes in school. She speaks English, so that's not a problem, the only problem is that I don't know what to go up and say to her to get to know her. Being from so far away what are some things i could say that would put us on common ground, more or less, and kind of break the ice? thanks for any suggestions
  2. yeah, i'm 17 and in h.s. so thats where i stand..but isn't it true that a bunch of eye contact and smiles generally means your on to something. i'm usually a huge procrastinator, so i put off talking to people, but this was the first week of school and we're already getting to know each other, so at least i'm getting off on the right foot lol.
  3. hey, i just started school back and there is this cute girl in my last class of the day. so i figure it's the perfect time to get to know her, because this class is pretty small and she sits right next to me. and i've also, over the past few months, been trying to pick up on body language and stuff, just to see if i could do it. so we get in the class, and i notice small things like..how her body is pointing towards my desk, so to speak, or how she'll glance at me when i'm not looking. we did group work yesterday and she and i paired off together and she sat like..directly in front of me and would lean in and it seemed like we were constantly making eye contact and smiling. but she just seems like the kind of person who always smiles and stuff.. so what do you guys make of all this stuff? am i just hoping for any little thing lol..or do you think this is legit?
  4. Ya, but i dont even know her. Wouldn't she think it was odd, if i just called her up and we dont even know each other? at all.
  5. The only thing is, though, that i've never reall spoken with her. But i think i have reason to believe that she might be interested in me, cause everytime i'd pass her she would kind of glance at me, or look away, ya know..just kind of give me reason to believe she might be interested. But i figure..even if she's not interested, i'd rather try get to know her and if things just dont work out then at least i gave it a shot. It's better than sitting around wondering lol.
  6. ya, i've talked to him about this girl before. he knows i have a thing for her. and he doesnt. so i dont see any harm in it either, really. i just wondered if that would be a good way to get to know this girl, or if it would be kind of odd lol.
  7. There is this girl that i like..and i would really like to get to know her better. My friend does know her and i was wondering if it would be a good idea to ask my friend to hang out and ask him to invite this girl along with us. And one of her friends, too, if she would feel more comfortable that way. Ive talked to my friend about this girl before and he doesnt like her, so there wouldn't be a conflict of interest there. Seeing as how this past Friday is was the last day of school, if i want to get to know this girl over the summer this is the only thing i could come up with. What do you guys think?
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