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How do I tell my boss I'm pregnant?

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It seems like it's going to be a big deal or something, are there questions I need to ask? I have insurance and all that, but what do I do, just walk in her office and say "I'm pregnant, just wanted to let you know..." I've been kind of dodging it because I don't know what to expect and, well, it's starting to show.


What are their usual reactions? I don't understand if this is a big deal or not or if there's going to be problems with work or what.


Anybody who has told your boss your pregnant, how did you do it? What was their reaction? What questions do you need to ask?

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I cannot recall how far along you are now?


Generally, you should tell them at about 3 months along - both past the time when miscarriages are most likely, and to give them time to prepare for finding someone to cover you during maternity leave.


If you have a good relationship with your boss, I would schedule a meeting, and just tell them you are pregnant, and have a letter to detail when you will be expecting to take maternity leave. This is so human resources can get the paperwork in order, and so forth.


As for how big a deal it is - depends on the workplace. I stick to it's better to tell them now and be upfront so they can be prepared. This will make it a "less big deal" ultimately. But under the law, they could be held liable for firing you because of it or anything, you are entitled to maternity leave and a job when you return, etcetera.

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Born to Resist - I would tell your boss as if you are excited! And Yes, in an I just wanted to let you know type way.


Just say, "just wanted to let you know that I'm X months pregnant, I'm due xxx and I haven't yet figured out waht to do for maternity leave and all of that.



Maybe ask for some of the companies info and policies on pregnancy.


Congrats by the way! When ARE you due?


Is this your first?

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Although I've never had to tell my boss that I'm pregnant (good god, that would be awkward), I don't see how it could be a big deal. Union Law allows you to have maternity leave, you'll probably just have to sit down with him and discuss the arrangements of it, what time you'll have off, who'll cover your shifts, stuff like that.


Hope this helped =)

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I'm 14 weeks. My due date is February 11th (Valentine's baby!). Yeah this is my first. Entirely unexpected but, I'm getting excited now. My pants don't fit and my flat stomach? Gone. I have a little bulge, I wouldn't call it a baby bump, but you can tell the differences a lot because I'm so small. Good thing though is my breast size has already doubled! I just hope I get to keep those....


I think it's going to seem like a big deal because I am the youngest person who works here. They gave me a set of baby keys when I started because that's the tradition, but the next youngest person is like 3 or 4 years older than me. So it will be a shock, and I'll get bombarded with questions for the next few months.

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I agree with the idea of telling your boss sooner than later. It would probably be more of a big deal if you waited longer because they will need to find someone to replace you depending on where you work.


As to how to say it. I would just schedule an appointment, and say something like "I figure that now is a good time to let you know that I am pregnant."


Chances are, depending on where you work, they have had to deal with pregnancies before and they will be able to help you figure out everything you need to know, and everything you need to do.

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I don't understand if this is a big deal or not or if there's going to be problems with work or what.



Under the law- there should not be.....


Familiarize yourself with the laws/policies of where you live, any union you may be in, and/or your workplace policies.


I'm to sure where you work (if it's a large or small place), but is there an Human Resources department you can talk to about this?


If you are treated badly in any way, shape or from because of it- then that's blatant discrimination.


I would tell your boss as if you are excited!


I agree.


Does your boss have any kids?



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My boss is an older female who has a son. I think she would be fine with it, but I have already missed a ton of work, mostly from when I had morning sickness. My manager came and asked if everything was okay and gave me a warning about so much absenses, and I told him why I wasn't there. He said I would have to talk to the big boss when I was ready. I wanted to wait until later because the chance of miscarraige was still high and I didn't know if I was going to keep it or not at that point. But now I know and I have the major decisions out of the way, and now's the time to tell her. I just don't want to go in there and say "I'm pregnant" and her go "okay, anything else...?" I want to avoid all awkward moments and know what to expect a little. I still have to check out those articles.


I work at an office and I'm pretty sure my work will be covered by my co-workers. They will split up my work while I'm gone. I work for a really big company and they have a human resources department and I'm pretty sure I'll have to go talk to them too. I don't think she's going to be weird about it, but I just want to know what to expect.

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Are you asking about laws or are you asking about how your reputation (how they view your work ethic) would change? If laws, then you have nothing to worry about. There are federal laws, laws in every state, as well as union policies (if you're in one) that cover you. If they don't give you your job back, you can sue them to get it back, or make a lot of money. Same as military leave. As for your reputation, don't worry about it. Stress can adversely effect your pregnancy. Are you going to keep working? My mother worked until she was 8 months pregnant with my brother. Stubborn Irish

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