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hook-ups gone wrong!

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tell us about a Hookup/fling/date gone wrong!!!!!!!

i think this will be pretty funny if your stories are anything like mine. haha

Well, there are many things that have gone wrong.

Guys ignoring me completely outta nowhere, finding someone else, etc.

These are just 2 examples:


EX: There was once a guy in a LDR with a girl thousands of miles away. We started talking, flirting... I had no idea he already had a g/f. Then I saw him making out with some random girl (not his g/f). I was shocked and pissed. Then later, I found out he had a g/f in some other state... for a year. Few years later, he talked to me online. We started talking about the past and he said he was thinking about breaking up with her to be with me...


EX: This guy and I met at this extracurricular church thing at school. We had lots in common and had a great time hanging out. Later, he would call me a lot... and talk to me for hours, even when I was on vacation (he talks A LOT.. and I hardly got a word in). He sang at his church and was very involved in the church. He even sang to me a lot. He also had a g/f... but wasn't happy or something. So, we were just thinking being friends who were attracted to each other wasn't a problem. I mean, I never called him. He always called me. He all of a sudden stopped calling. I was kinda surprised. I was like, "Well, okay. I lost a friend. Oh well." He stopped showing up at our church thing after school. I never mentioned him to other people, never asked where he was... Then... he ended up calling after like 2 months of completely ignoring me. I was with my new boyfriend and a friend at the time. I was like, "Holy crap. Why is he calling me NOW?!" Well, my boyfriend and friend had a lotta fun on the phone with him. They said things like I'm taken now and what happened with his girlfriend and why he completely stopped talking to me. He said that he broke up with his g/f like 3-4 months ago. Well.... 3-4 months ago he said he HAD a girlfriend and that was when he was talking to me. What a complete LIAR. I was yelling, "I KNEW IT!!! I KNEW IT!" He could hear me lol. Because I knew he was only calling me back for a BACK-UP. He had no one else. NOWWW he wants me... NOWWW he calls me... after the g/f is gone. So pathetic HAHAHA. So don't think because guys go to church, they're all GOOD and HOLY. THIS guy just goes to church to hide the fact he's a jerk (IS THAT OK MODERATOR?) lol.

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A couple weeks ago I met this fabulous guy. He was funny, kept me interested and he was smoking hot.


We went out the first night, and I left it vague because I'm very awkward in those situations. After we cleared up the fact that I DID in fact want to see him again, we set up a date for a couple days later.


He said he would pick me up at a certain time. Two hours after he said he would pick me up, he called me and said his grandma was sick and that he had to deal with that. He still wanted to see me though. No problem. We kept it low key and ended up watching a movie in his room. We got all cuddly and then started making out and ended up having sex. Neither of us had planned that, it just sort of happened. I had never had a one night stand and he knew that. He asked me if he that was just a one time thing. I told him if that's what he thinks, then I guess it was. He totally denied that and insisted that he wants to see me again.


It's two weeks later and I haven't heard from him. He finally messaged me yesterday asking why I hadn't called. I told him I did call, a couple of times.


We'll see what happens with this

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In university there was this really cute guy in my writing class. He kept passing me notes in class telling me how great my writing was. My family saw the notes and were like "he's totally into you! Ask him out!"


So me being the very shy person I was, screwed up the courage to ask him out.


Turns out that he takes the class with his girlfriend and she was sitting next to him. He was just being nice and wasn't romantically interested in me at all.



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