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What Point To Life Have You Found?

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Excellent post, Blue! Very insightful. You seem to have put a lot of thought into that.


I could go on and on with my philosophical views on life, if I had the time. But if there's one idea I'd like to pass along, it's that we should all be very careful what we let ourselves think of ourselves, because you'll ultimately be what you think you are.


That's something I've learned from long years of experience. I think that most of us have a character, like a character in a movie or book, in our imagation who is us. And our behavior is shaped, both consciously and unconsciously, by how we feel that character would behave. If you think of yourself as an artist, an intellectual, a coquette, a tough guy, an over-achiever, an under-achiever, a tomboy, or whatever else, you will inevitably act out that role, even if you don't intend to or realize it. And you are the role you play.


thereforeeee, I say be careful to consciously and deliberately manufacture the character you want to be; infuse him/her with the traits you want to have. I've spent the last half dozen years deconstructing a very self-destructive character I'd spent my life unconsciously building, and consciously engineering a new and much more beneficial character to shape myself into for my future.

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A quote from an anonymous person has drastically changed my point of view:

"I have come to realize that we live in order to change someone else's life."


With this, I have halted my search for meaning. I believe I am here for that very reason, to change someone else's life. Could my whole life's purpose be that I drove a drunken friend home and thus saved their life? Or maybe that smile I passed along to the clerk at the department store gave a spark of hope and as a result they didn't follow through with a possible suicide attempt? All very far-fetched, I know. But, I am illustrating a point that I find my meaning is in every single detail of this life, frivolous or not.


Not really far fetched. I beileve the tiniest of kindest can really uplift a persons outlook. I know I've felt that way a few times when someone's treated me with respect.

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That's something I've learned from long years of experience. I think that most of us have a character, like a character in a movie or book, in our imagation who is us. And our behavior is shaped, both consciously and unconsciously, by how we feel that character would behave. If you think of yourself as an artist, an intellectual, a coquette, a tough guy, an over-achiever, an under-achiever, a tomboy, or whatever else, you will inevitably act out that role, even if you don't intend to or realize it. And you are the role you play.


An character in a movie is set up in the script to play the role you need to learn, how good you play it depense a lot on ya own character but is not your own, don't be mistaken Square Wheel character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved. A person will worship something, have no doubt about that. We may think our tribute is paid in secret in the dark recesses of our hearts, but it will out. That which dominates our imaginations and our thoughts will determine our lives, and our character. thereforeeee, it behooves us to be careful what we worship, for what we are worshipping we are becoming. So much for playing a role is it not Square Wheel?

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Well, sort of, Blue. I meant "a character", not character. Subtle distinction. By a character, I meant a self-image, an imaginary person that we think or hope or imagine we are. And I think we behave as we believe that imaginary person would or should. Sorry for the brief post, but it's past 1:30 am here and I'm about to fall over.

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  • 2 weeks later...
my reason for life-

well i really never knew what my life was about up until recently.

My bestfriend just died in a horrible car accident. i would always talk to her about everything; life, relationships, family. EVERYTHING.

Now thats she passed alot of the stuff i want to do is for her.

I want to make her proud and stand my own ground for her.

Alot of the advice she gave me im using till this day.


so my point of life is to be happy and healthy. thats its, plain and simple.

so thats all i really want out of life. i dont take anything for granted, i love my family and friends in my life and i wouldnt change it for the world.


How does it make any sense to have someone die in order to give another a purpose in life?](*,)

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A purpose there is no purpose let me rephrase that life doesnt have a purpose it is pointless in a sense from religion's point of view. If God loves us so much why are we not in Heaven at this very moment. If people are miserable, homeless, abused, tortured mentally and physically is life hell. Or does this world even exist. That is my view my idea. It is you all dont exist, maybe your not real at all. If I cut you I dont know if you bleed if i touch you I dont know if you can feel. Is any of this real am I in a coma is there such a thing as a coma. Haha another point if you have ever done something wrong has it gone and hurt you some other way because you felt guilty. I have had an expirience like that in my life its still happening now. I keep questioning my faith my beliefs and i feel guilty about questioning. God being the great guy that he is comes andhits me right in the face. I find out my mom has cancer lung, liver, breast, melanoma, and brain cancer and all i can do is laugh at myself, not literally but in my mind I just laugh at my misfortune seeing as i brought it upon myself.

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