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dry humping and pre cum


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Hey guys just a quick question, me and my guy friend got close the other night, with oral fingering and dry humping, just curious can you get pregnant from precum even if the dry humping is done when both people are wearing underwear. Also he did come later on but he then washed his hands and proceeded touching me down below, are there any chances at all I could be pregnant. I get paranoia about this kinda thing alot.



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Yes. Precum can get your pregnant just like sperm. Precum is about a 15% chance but don't take that chance. Plus if you get paranoia you should not be doing this unless your on the pill or he's using condoms. But if you should be fine if he did not pre cum on your underwear. If it went beyond that then that throws up a red flag.

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"extremely low, precum comes from the Cowper's glands which do not make semen. The sperm comes from the testes in an ejaculation. There should not be sperm in precum unless you previously ejaculated and have not gone pee to wash out any sperm left in the urethra."


EDIT: Atleast don't do it when you 2 are just wearing underwear... If you're paranoid, I suggest not doing this anymore. It'll just worry you too much.

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The chances are extremely low, bordering on the impossible, heres why:

1) Precum itself doesnt contain sperm

2) After ejaculation, sperm must be picked up or 'washed' out with the precum.

3) Precum doesnt come out normally in enough quantities to get anywhere, just enough to make the tip of the penis damp


Even if precum comes out in enough amounts, and there's sperm present, and it get's washed out:

1) It has to enter the vagina, either placed there on purpose, or while you're inside her

2) Not just 1 sperm can combine with an egg, it takes several hundred to break down the protective layer of the egg

3) The sperm mass has to be dense enough to survive the acidic environment, the outer layer of sperm dieing off en masse


15% is a made up number unfortunately

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