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out to get me?

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ok well the last few weeks i have been doing the janitorial duties at the store i work, to make up for hours i lost by, upsetting my "2nd assistant manager".

well today i was doing so and he got upset with me again and made me do a special job. it wasnt demeaning but it was sure unpleasant, it was backbreaking work, and it was against union contract, technically he could be docked $500 if i were to be a snitch, but i wont.


however, my other manager,(who was offered the 2nd assistant manager job and turned it down) comes along and says "what the {insert favorite curse word here} are you doing? thats not your job you dont have to do that" so i tell him "i know it isnt my job but {insert name of most hated boss here} said i ahd to do it,"


so my manager, the one i like , says "{f word} that guy is such an {a word} he throws his power around too much." im wondering does this 2nd assistant manager dislike me because it seems that way to me.and my manager thinks hee might have a problem with me too



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Hey dude,


I think some people just don't know how to behave when it comes to having power at their jobs. I don't think it's necessary to take it this personal. If it continues to be like this, ask him in private that you feel he makes you do work that is against union contract or report to the manager of the assistant.



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well he has been doing this for 3 weeks now since the incident giving me stupid chores and generally picking on me, i dont want to be a snitch, and everyone see's whats going on but what should i keep a stiff upper lip and deal with it? or be a rat and snitch? right now im just coming in and working unpaid 10 hour shifts in departments, not because i have to but to learn the departments so i can get a promotion and just take his job, is that a bad coping strategy? dont like a manager, train your butt off and take his job?

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Why don't you get paid? No, I don't think the stiff upper lip strategy is going to work here. How old is your boss? Why the black and white, people in ALL kinds of jobs have to deal with their managers. That you talk about this to another person does not make you a rat. If you think you are treated in a way that is against union, and you are not PAID to do so, contact the boss of your manager, or contact human resources/employees management. How do your coworkers think about this?



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ok first i think he's 35, second i dont get paid because i dont punch my time card i come in on my off time to learn the departments so ill be "knowledgeable of the store and all aspects" so i can take his job easier and do a far better job than he does. and as far as ratting goes, my friend manager, knows all about it and i think he'll take care of letting my other manager know if he feels its nescesary, the bottom line is i have to work with this guy whether i like it or not, im even closing with him on friday and me ratting would make it all the more unpleasant to do so



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If you are part of a union you can certainly talk to a union rep to get some adivce. I would do this in your situtation. Its confidential and the union wont do anything unless you give them the go ahead. The problem is if you dont have your feelings down on record your situation may become more "indefensible" in the future if they look at it a say "he was willing to do it, he never said anything." So first step is to talk to your unions rep probably your shop steward.


As to why people do this kind of stuff it depends. Maybe he is power mad adn doesnt understand teh basic psychology of leading people, not everyone who gets into a position of managing is good with people and has good leadership and management skills. In actual fact the majority of people dont. Having said that, as a supervisor myself, I know there is always two sides to the coin and some employees lack the basic aspect of personal responsibility in their jobs. Not saying this is true with you but he may have had a few bad situations where being the nice guy back fired and feels playing the tough guy is the best way to manage people.


Again I would report your feelings and the situation to the union.

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