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HAd the interview a week ago...

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That's right I had a job interview a week ago. I haven't heard anything.


After the interview I was sent a candidate questionare to fill out, which I filled out right away and sent back. The questions on it were pretty much the same questions I was asked in the interview. I was told that based on my responses I would be called for a second interview.


Well, this was a week ago. My question is, should I call them to check in? And if I call what should I say exactly. I don't think "Hey are you hiring me or what?" would go over to well."


One more side question. Has anyone ever used that Rosetta Stone software for learning another language? Because If I get this job I have to learn German. I have heard that software works wonders.




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There's nothing wrong with phoning and seeing if you are still being considered for the position and stating that you are highly interested. I would give them a buzz or even send an email if you have someone's contact info.


Just a note: I would see if you could join a classroom setting for learning German. I learned it in University and it's actually confusing at points (basically things are masculine, feminine or neutral) and other fun goodies.


Its not hard, but it would probably be beneficial to have some private instruction if you could. I've never used the software myself but I found classroom interaction highly effective. After the semester was over, I could carry out a decent conversation.

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Maybe you could call and make sure they received your questionare. There's nothing wrong with that. How long ago did you send it in? By mail or fax? It might have taken a few days for that to get to them so I wouldn't worry too much that they are taking this long to get back to you (cuz it really hasn't been that long). If they have a lot of applicants it can take a few weeks for them to sort it out. I don't know what kind of job this is but a lot of times the HR department needs to communicate with the department hiring you and get a lot of paperwork and stuff filled out first. So basically I wouldn't worry too much but calling to make sure they got your papers and ask when they might know is a good idea. Good luck!

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Maybe you could call and make sure they received your questionare. There's nothing wrong with that. How long ago did you send it in? By mail or fax? It might have taken a few days for that to get to them so I wouldn't worry too much that they are taking this long to get back to you (cuz it really hasn't been that long). If they have a lot of applicants it can take a few weeks for them to sort it out. I don't know what kind of job this is but a lot of times the HR department needs to communicate with the department hiring you and get a lot of paperwork and stuff filled out first. So basically I wouldn't worry too much but calling to make sure they got your papers and ask when they might know is a good idea. Good luck!


I sent it by e-mail. At the end of the interview he asked if I had any questions. I couldn't think of anything. Now I am kicking myself for not asking how long it would be before I heard anything.


I am really excited. I really want this job. It also pays over twice what I make now. I am tired of working for beans and having like$3 in my account once I get all my bills paid for the month. This job would mean financial security and that is a very comforting thing.

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I think calling to check up the status will show them that you are really interested in the position and shows persistence. I mean, what's the worse that could happen? You have nothing to lose by calling them. I say go for it. You could say something like:


"Hi Mr/Ms. X, I met with you last week for the ---- position. I just wanted to thank you again for meeting with me. Do you know what the time frame is for hiring for this position....?"


This would open up a conversation to see if they've already selected someone...


I totally understand your anxiety...I've had an interview a month ago...and I'm still waiting. I have been in contact with HR and they've been asking me to send over documents....etc....but every Friday I make it a point to get in touch with the HR guy. Maybe this is too aggressive...but I think it shows my interest in the position.

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It's Friday, a good day for most to close out any loose ends. I would wait until the end of business to sent the note or make the call. Otherwise, I would do so on Monday or consider waiting two weeks. Then again, my application process is nearly four months into motion and yet still no decision has been made. GOOD LUCK!

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