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He Doesn't Call

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I met this guy and thought we hit it off pretty well. We exchanged phone numbers. I called him up one day and left a message for him to call me if he wanted to meet up sometime. He never called.


I'm really disappointed and starting to make excuses for him - like maybe his phone was broken, so he didn't get my message, etc, etc.


Should I call again or is he telling me implicitly that he has no interest?

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Hey, that sucks. I mean, there is the possibility that he got the message, was busy and forgot about returning it, but I guess most people would say 'If he really liked you, then that wouldn't happen'. Which is probably true, but I can see why you still hold out hope about him.


Case in point- of my friends is a shocker with messages. She honestly forgets to return messages to everybody (especially texts). If she gets them when she's at work or something and she can't reply straight away, she usually forgets to do it at all. But I know this is just what she's like and I usually just remind her of it (if it was important) and then she feels horrible, but she honestly has just forgotten and we've all been guilty of that.


However, in your situation, I guess you don't want to look needy, so maybe wait for a chance to bump into him again (if this is possible, depending on where you met) and just casually say to him 'oh, I left you a message to catch up, did you get it?' or whatever. If he looks a bit awkward and says 'oh...yeah' then let it go as one of those things and if he says 'oh my god, I'm so sorry blah blah blah' then all well and good, if you're willing to accept his apology.


I'm a bit like you, I always give people the benefit of the doubt, even when they probably don't deserve it. Sometimes it comes back to bite me, but other times, it's a good thing! Hope it works for you

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I met this guy and thought we hit it off pretty well. We exchanged phone numbers. I called him up one day and left a message for him to call me if he wanted to meet up sometime. He never called.


I'm really disappointed and starting to make excuses for him - like maybe his phone was broken, so he didn't get my message, etc, etc.


Should I call again or is he telling me implicitly that he has no interest?


I checked my messeges once, there was a messege from a friend telling me to come hang out. This was left, oh, 2 months ago.

I'd call him and try to speak to him personally, guys forget stuff like that.

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