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Should I give them back?

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He is not the one playing games, she is.


My opinion is he doesn't owe this girl anything, and I sure wouldn't give her the satisfaction of her being able to change her mind about what she wants after she fled his house for some other dude.

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Because I didn't give her coats back when her sister came to get her stuff, she emailed one of her friends all my personal info (my work schedule, where i park my car at the train station, what times i am home, my cell phone numbers, addressse, etc...) Aparently she really wanted the coats. I have no idea what she was planning on having this guy do but it couldn't have been anything good. I was heartbroken. This girl had been my good friend for 7 years and this is how she wants it to end?? sigh...


As for the engagement ring that she took off with, it turns out the day after I asked her to leave, she called 3 diamond brokers to try and sell it. The whole while we were apart she maintained she had no idea where it was. When I met her friends out one night, they told me how she WORE the thing, and talked about it like it was a prize. The first thing I did when we got back together is put it in the box and hide the bloody thing. Not to mention the guy that she shacked up while she was gone that two weeks with she ended up sleeping with a couple days before we got back together, then told me about it few days after we were together.


I don't feel like I owe her anything. I know I don't. I didn't buy her these jackets either. She brought them with when she moved in. I'm not taking back something I bought, I'm simply trying to decide what to do with something else that she abondoned and is now just wasting space in my house.


Yes, she told me to do what I wanted with them. If SHE wanted me to keep them till she could recover them, all she had to do was email me or text me. No, she's emailing me and texting me how much better the sex is with this new guy and how glad she left me. Not that she wants me to hold on to her coats.

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My opinion is he doesn't owe this girl anything, and I sure wouldn't give her the satisfaction of her being able to change her mind about what she wants after she fled his house for some other dude.


Exactly. You tell me whatever you left is mine now, fine, it all belongs to me now.


Don't call me a week later pissed that I did EXACTLY what you told me to do because you realize just how stupid of a statement it actually was.

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Yes, I agree that she's being uncool to you.


But I really think you should send her anything you have of hers and be done with it.


Now the ring is another issue. If it was for engagement and she called it off then she should give that back to you. That is a separate issue, and one that you might need to go to small claims court for.


I actually think it is illegal for you to hold one in compensation for the other, though, and plus it's not good for your integrity or peace of mind.

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I have the ring. I took it back from her when she moved back in with me. Otherwise I would be down in SC right now suing the living **** out of her.


I'm not holding her coats hostage that's a funny thought though.. poor coats.


Honestly, at this point, I don't care where the coats go. Giving them to her would make her happy but I don't care about her happiness anymore. I'm apathetic to the whole thing.


Maybe I'll just toss a coin, heads I drive the bloody things to her sister and drop them off, tails I donate them and get a tax writeoff.

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