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The carmen electra fit to strip is quite good. Although the first time you watch it it seems like they are just tiny little routines that won't do any good, trust me.... you can feel it the next day. I wouldn't say it is high on the cardio but it is great for the legs and butt. I don't like many of the other DVD's, would prefer to go do a class somewhere. Bellydancing or salsa are great for everything!

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It depends on what you're looking for. I tend to like DVd's that offer options of putting together different segments to create a personalized workout


My favorite workout DVD's are:


Bellydance Core Conditioning: link removed


KickBox Bootcamp: link removed


Yoga Choice:

link removed


Taebo Advanced Workout: link removed

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When Riien gets home he said he'd take me to learn salsa and other types of dance!


That reminds me- in my opinion, you should NOT purchase the workout DVD called Cardio Salsa: link removed


It looks fun. I fell for the trap. I have it and used it once. It was the most annoying thing I've ever laid eyes on in my life. I wanted to throw a boulder through the TV at the instructor. She really got under my skin, especially in the morning. He voice was painful to my ears.


For years I've been trying to rid myself of that DVD by giving it to my sister and my friends- they all hated it too- and gave it back - so it's not just me.



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I guess I am a dork, I turn on music I like and dance around like a maniac in my living room until I get my heart rate up, then I dance some more. I do toning on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in addition to the dancing for at least 30 minutes after my heart rate is up every day (I take Sundays off though)

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That reminds me- in my opinion, you should NOT purchase the workout DVD called Cardio Salsa: link removed


It looks fun. I fell for the trap. I have it and used it once. It was the most annoying thing I've ever laid eyes on in my life. I wanted to throw a boulder through the TV at the instructor. She really got under my skin, especially in the morning. He voice was painful to my ears.


For years I've been trying to rid myself of that DVD by giving it to my sister and my friends- they all hated it too- and gave it back - so it's not just me.



hahaha, I don't think I could learn to salsa on dvd...I'd definitely have to go out to do it. He can dance really well and actually enjoys it! Wow...mark that for "one guy who likes to and can dance!"

I'm glad you didn't throw anything at your tv. I saw a preview of some of Carmen Electra's Striptease and it looks pretty damn hot! I can do all of that too, I think I'll go with that most likely!

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I guess I am a dork, I turn on music I like and dance around like a maniac in my living room until I get my heart rate up, then I dance some more. I do toning on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in addition to the dancing for at least 30 minutes after my heart rate is up every day (I take Sundays off though)

I love doing that too! I have a mini trampoline!! That is great!!

I feel like I'm back in the 80's with it!

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I don't know if you like anything oldschool, but I LOVE Jane Fonda's workout videos. My mom has one, and I still use it. I LOVE her workouts.


I tried the pilates video, forgot the title, but it's a popular one and it didn't work for me.


Carman Electra's workout video sounds interesting. I gotta check it out!

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