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In love with best friends boyfriend help!!!

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It all started when my best friend started going out with this boy in the year above us. I did'nt think much about him until we got talking & we relised we had alot in common. I started to like him alot & now I know I love him, my best friend does'nt know & he does'nt know either. I don't want to loose my best friend over this please help!!!

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Hey, this same thing happened to me except for I was the girl with the boyfirend. The guy was in the grade above me and my best firend so we didn't really know him that well until I started talking to him and going out with him. She ended up loving this guy and I didn't know it. They would do stuff behind my back and hang out all the time, all the while me and the guy were doing stuff and hanging out. My best friend finally decided to tell me her feelings towards my bf after it was too late and they had already did stuff together. This not only made me not trust my bf and to break up with him, but to not trust my best friend for a long time! It took awile for me to talk to her again. What I guess I'm trying to tell you is that even though you think you love him now, do you really want to lose your best friend over a guy? I suggest that you wait for their relashionship to be over for a long time and then see what goes down. Just dont do something you'll regret, please! Well, good luck, I hope this helped!

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Do nothing. If this is really your friend there should be NO conflict at all. Remain loyal to your friend and do not betray.


If the relationship should ever end then wait awhile for the fumes(emotions)to cool. Then ask your friend how they would feel about you dating their ex.


Don't expect the reaction to be a good one. But this is better than starting up all kinds of problems by making a move into their relationship.


Make the right decision.


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  • 5 months later...

Hey. The same kinda thing is happening to me right now. My best friend is hinting towards liking my boyfriend. I really love him though. If you are a really good friend you will leave your best friends bf alone. Friends are way more important then guys. remember, you can always find another guy, finding another best friend is way harder. [/b]

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  • 3 weeks later...

i've been through this. Just a month ago, my best friend's boyfriend broke up w/ my best friend to go out w/ me. my best friend was very sad and said that if he asks me out say no. and that if i say yes, she'll not be my friend or ever talk to me again and will try to break us up. i said yes when he asked me out becuz i liked him ALOT!! i felt that my best friend isnt my best friend nymore for she was telling me what to do and that was wrong. she should have let me decide and not threaten me. so i think if you like him ALOT, then you SHOULD go out w/ him even if ur gonna lose your best friend.

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