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met a new lady

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I met a new lady last weekend. and we seemed to hit it off pretty good. On tuesday we went out and again on thursday. We where supposed to meet saturday night to go for dinner but we didn't because she worked all day and she said she was tired. which I said ok cool well maybe next time. On sunday we were going to go to the lake, but I did not hear from her all sunday. I texted her on my phone. But she did not reply. Should I just forget about it? or give it time. It is very hard to read her.

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Personally I find text messaging to be detrimental, at least by ringing someone you aren't giving them an easy avenue to avoid talking to you, and by seeing them in person you're leaving them no avenue at all.


I'd wait a few days and ring her, asking if she wanted to do something. If the reply is negative, I guess that's that, if it's positive, she was probably just tired still or busy.


But don't text anymore, too many things can go wrong, and there are too many ways to avoid replying, which can leave you feeling worse than a flat-out rejection =/

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I would say at the least she should have contact you to say she couldn't make it. Her rudeness may foreshadow her true selfishness which you might not have discovered until later on when you had more of an emotional investment in the relationship. I would blow her off until she contacts you and then let her know that you are not fond of her manners. If the roles were reversed you would be called a player and your head would be on a chopping block! In this day and age it is too easy to communicate and notify someone of your inability to follow through on plans.



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I am going to go into more detail on thursday's date. She came over to my place, and we went out to get some pizza. It started at 10:00PM. Well she ended up staying until 3:30AM or so. We talked all night and flirted. After we ate we went for a walk. It wasn't dark because the full moon was out. We walked around the park. That is when I made my move and kissed her, at first she was shy, but later she did not want to stop. After she got home she texted me and said she had a great night. and that she likes beign with me. She wrote that she could not wait until sunday. But sunday rolled around and no call or text message from her. We did however talk on friday, and saturday. I am now taking the advice you guys gave me and I am not texting or calling her, and I am currently waiting to see what happens. I am thinking she is interested, but with woman who can really tell...lol.

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My man, calm down. She could be doing this for a number of reasons and you'll be able to find out tomorrow for sure. When you call, if she's there be cool and not confrontational and listen to what she has to say. Let her know you were sorry you didn't get to see her this weekend and see what she has to say to that. Feel the vibe during the convo and see what you want to do then, whether you want to set something else up or not. If she doesn't pick up, leave a msg and just let it be.


Honestly, you need to start talking to some other girls as well to take the pressure off any single one of them.

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Send her a message back saying that you're really sorry to hear that she's going through some rough times and that you'll be here to help her if she needs it. And end it with a "good luck and take care."


but isn't that message pretty much a good bye?


Sounds like she's confused about her emotions and feelings. Which is why I think you should write back.

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Send her a message back saying that you're really sorry to hear that she's going through some rough times and that you'll be here to help her if she needs it. And end it with a "good luck and take care."


Nah, then you'll fail the test. She'll think you're weak and not able to stand up for youself when you obviously deserve an explanation.

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