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No Contact in the CyberWorld

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After reading so much that has helped me deal with my current situation, I've seen somethings where I thought I might be able to give some of my experience.


Naturally everybody reading this post has a connection with the World Wide Web in some way shape or form, and chances are we're all net saavy and spend a great deal of time online. There's also a good chance that we communicate with our exes or signficant others through the internet.


While we may try to initiate NC through conventional means (ie no phone calls, text messaging, letters, visiting, etc), when we're online we may not be able to help bumping into our exes in one way shape or form.


My solution? Unplug the net for one month. It maybe hard for some (especially for those who frequent this site), and easy for others. But if NC can be compromised while you're online, then cut it off.


Several years ago I met and dated several ladies I met and communicated with online. All of them ended in disaster, and after the last one I decided that I needed to change. I felt that the time I spent on the net wasn't good for me at all, and I became to dependent on it for too many things, especially in regards to my personal relationships.


I decided to pull the plug cold turkey. I even refrained from using the net at work. I asked my supervisors to give me any work related information via paper memo's. So I stopped using the internet for one month. No exceptions, didn't even check it on my cell phone.


In all actuality I really needed more than a month to accomplish what I wanted to mentally, and emotionally but I did come a long ways in that month.


When my month was up, and I got back online I thought I was going to spend hours and hours trying to "catch up". In reality, it took me less than thirty minutes to clear my inboxes, and read what was important. I didn't feel the need to catch up on a month's worth of dialouge on the message forums I frequent, and I cleared a lot of useless sites from my Favorites.


My buddy list for all of my IM's was cut drastically. As far as I was concerned, if I didn't get an IM during my absense they were deleted. Some people did notice my absense and sent messages. I figure that if I'm not important enough to them to get a welfare check during a noticeable, and unexplained absense then why bother?


For some of my friends who were on my buddy list, I would call or visit them.


Getting off the net also gave me time to do things, that I had been neglecting. At the same time that gave me the chance to put the bad stuff that had been going on out of my mind.


So if you find it difficult to maintain NC on the WWW, then do away with it for a month. Give it a try.


Hope this helps.

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