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Where does "casual" fit in?

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I really don't see a lot of topics in here related to casual or "friendly" relationships, and I'm curious to hear how most of you see the subject.


I know plenty of the people on here must be in that phase where true love just isn't really on the menu, and you are looking for someone else who's in the same state of mind, who you can have fun with (physical and just hanging out, not whoring Obviously a caring, mutually satisfying LTR is what we all truly desire to satisfy the human condition, but what about the in-between times?

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I believe it depends on how you are feeling at the time when you interact with the person, and what your history is with your previous partners.


I think the more casual relationships are for the younger generation type people who aren't interested in committing themselves to a long-term relationship yet still want some love aka intimacy in the mean time, we all have these needs and they are completely normal and natural.


It isn't until we grow older and mature a little until we do realise that we are ready to take the next step and settle down into a relationship as such, and making them last longer and longer until we do feel we have found the right person to settle down with.



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My opinion is some people can do them, some can't. Actually most can't (sometimes not finding this out until after they started).


If you ARE going to do it, realize that as much as you can try, feelings often do come up, you are taking risks (sexually and emotionally) and that you really should not do it with hope of it becoming more and so forth. Even when someone can keep their 'distance' often the other can't and so on.


I also think it does keep you from learning more about yourself ON YOUR OWN, or from meeting someone whom does knock your socks off.


Ultimately for me, I just don't think you can replace true intimacy with "casual company" and so it's just not right for me. Personally, I think it's less risky ultimately just to buy myself a new "toy" to get me through those dry times .

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In my experience casual relationships usually end with one or both people hurt in some way.


Wouldnt you say that when most relationships end that one or both people are hurt in some way. The ending of a relationship is always going to be hard on someone whether it is going to be casual or long term.

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