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Penis & Sex drive improvements, what can i do?

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thank goodness for this forum, now i can finally ask the questions ive been dying to ask for sometime now. ok, i cant help feeling a little awkward about this but here it goes, please dont laugh...


-first and foremost, i want to increase my penis size by atleast an ince or two.

-second, id like to improve my sex drive.

-third, i been thinking of purchasing pills drugs for improvements but im only 22 and i really want something that i can get over the counter that is safe as can be with the least amount of side-effects. does anybody know any drug or maybe a method i can do? id really hate to ask my doc because its just to embarrassing.

-fourth, 90% of the time after i nut i cant get hard again or im just not in the mood or my nuts are to num, id like to go on and on after another like an energizer bunny!


my penis size is about 4.5 inches when erect and i last about 10 minutes with my girlfriend. she is so hot you have no idea and ive seen what you gals have written here and im afraid she might be thinking the same way.

ive done 6 other girls and i seem to last fairly long, it ranges from 15minutes to 30minutes, but like i said, my girlfriend is just to hot for me that she makes me cum so fast. can anybody help? thanks.

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I don't know all the absolute answers to your questions but I'd really advise against trying to buy over the counter stuff for this sort of thing.


You may as well take a couple of hundred dollar notes and throw them out your car window as you drive along.


I know it is embarrassing but if these things really concern you I'd make an appointment to see someone qualified in this area.

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As far as lasting longer.. I'd suggest perhaps... Masterbation before you go to see her and engage in sex? That would prolong your sex.


As far as getting up to go for a second bout. Perhaps you suffer from low libido. Hence your sex drive. Thats a medical condition you can have fixed. If you suffer from stress, and anxiety, etc, that would be a simple fix to try and eliminate those too. Try having your girlfriend pleasure you after about 15 minutes of down time, and see what happens. Don't try too hard though. It's mind over matter mostly.


As far as the length issue. Not much you can do to fix it. There's a few methods out there. Most of which would be risky, AND expensive, and would involve surgery.. I believe there might be a few that involve string and heavy wieght, and I don't know about you, but I'm not tieing ANYTHING to my penis, regardless of any fact.

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Nothing to be embarrased about...thats what this forum is for! I have been down this trail before too.


IMHO, I agree with FCTex. Masturbation before you have had sex...but like earlier..hours before. Not right before...b/c every guys' recharge rate is different. I also have the same problem. Hop in bed...then get off, and then I just don't feel like it anymore and my guy gets ... umm... not hard again.


As for the pills...I don't know what is out there to help you. I've never ventured down that trail...although I'm thinking about it. Ask your doc....to them it is just another body part. I currently have a hernia around my groin area and they always have me pull down my drawers and i get embarrassed, but they say "its just another body part..and its our job...nothing to be shy about."

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There is a whole forum devoted to penil enhancement. Google jelquing and other similar methods. I don't know if they are even reliable though. I personally wouldn't expect 1-2 inches from jelquing. You can also injure yourself if you are not careful.


The best darn thing in the world I have found to increase libido is lots and lots of testosterone. But that also carries with it risks and probably isn't something you should even look into at this young stage in your life.


Viagra and cialis are the best blood flow enhancers we have out on the market today. Same deal though. They have side effects/risks to consider.


The one thing I will suggest is to take plenty of time, I suggest several months, and do a lot of research about all this before you take any potentially risky action. Know the risks and rewards of what you choose and realize that the they are yours to bear. Good luck.


I can tell you right now though....the toughest thing to do is going to be to increase your length/girth. Increasing libido is easy. Lasting longer is easy....Growing is tough.

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Not to mention, there are several other items on the market that will desensitize, but be careful, because if you have a problem lasting, it might not be TOO much feeling, but could very well be, NOT ENOUGH, that makes you unable to last, and un able to be aroused again.

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