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How To Proceed???

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Thanks in advance for helping me out with this.


Met this girl online and met up with her last weekend. Things went OK. Nothing great, but certainly nothing bad. We talked a few times last week..., basically small talk. Thought that it would be worth another date. She calls me Friday saying she has nothing to do. I was out but told her that I would be back late and if she wants to hang out, thats cool but it will be really late. We agreed that if she's not too sleepy, we'll hang out. On my way back she calls me half drunk asking my whereabouts. I tell her I'm on my way back. But I ask her what are we going to do this late at night? We agreed that I'll just come by and we'll just watch a movie or something. Say heistates for a second after that and she said "well..." I ask if there's something wrong. She says, "I just don't know what you're intentions are." I asked what she meant and she hesitated again. I said "Oh, so you think my intent is to come over and hook up?" She says yea and then tells me (here's the fun part) "I'm just looking for friends and I'm not trying to hook up... and I don't mean just tonight, I mean in general." I said thats cool, but I'll still come to just hang out. She says cool, but tells me I should hurry my way over there. Long story short, she gets sleepy and I don't go over. Then she calls me the next day while I'm out on another date (and I tell her that) and she calls me again today. You know those "just seeing how you're doing" calls. Please tell me what is going on here! Right now, I'm honestly up for anything. If I find a friend that I'll have for the rest of my life, that's fine. If I find someone to just hook up with, that's fine. If I find the love of my life, get married and have 3 kids, that's fine. But is she just trying to be my friend or is she looking for something more without telling me? I know she said she's looking for friends but she's calling more and more frequetly. Like today she calls me just to tell me that she has to work late... I like to make sure I don't miss out on anything life has to offer. So if there's an opportunity here, I'd like to make the most of it no matter how small it is.


P.S. Keep in mind I only when out with this girl once!


Thanks again for you're input in advance.

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Sounds to me this girl is wanting FWB. I could be wrong...either she wants FWB, or she feels really bad/horrible that you two could not watch a movie that night she was willing to do with you. Maybe she's trying to make up for it and try another shot at wanting to just hang out. Minus the hook-up part.

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She is giving you all kinds of mixed messages. I think she was scared you might just be seeing her to get sex. Well, that has been cleared out now, right? I am not sure if this means she wouldn't consider a relationship with you. She might just be a little more cautious because you met online. The fact that she calls you every day tells me that she is looking for more than just a friendship. I'd arrange for a date, don't do anything overly romantic yet, just feel the waters and see where it goes. If she continues to be flaky about things, ask her upfront. Do you feel more for her than a friendship?



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The mixed messages are very confusing and I don't want to make any "mistakes". Yes, I think another date is in order. I won't do anything too romantic. We'll just hang out and we'll see what happens.


This site is great and the people here are even better. Thank you all for reading my crap and replying to it. I always get answered back no matter how crazy or silly the situation I post up is. Thanks again!

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