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How do you stop liking someone you know you cant date??

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How do you deal with feelings for someone you like a lot and would want something more with (and have a pretty good feeling that they want more too), but also know that it wouldnt work out with even if they were up for it because of outside circumstances (like distance)??

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Love finds a way. Don't write this relationship off if the relationship is healthy so far. You might really regret it later. Being with the right person is worth alot more (even if you have some obstacles to deal with) than being with someone who is more convenient.

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What is you circumstance? How far of a distance are you talking about? As far as dealing with the feelings? There's a few things to do. You can follow through with them, and tell this person how you feel. You can try dating someone else, who is closer and doesn't have outside circumstances. You can keep yourself busy by going out with friends, family, or getting a new hobby or doing something you enjoy.

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Umm the circumstances are kind of complicated, he is in town for a few weeks and then he is leaving. We met fairly recently, and have been talking a lot and have hung out a few times. We went out on a date, which went really well but he made it clear that the relationship couldnt not continue as long distance (pretty much otherside of the country distance). We seem to have a really strong connection and have a lot of fun together, and in this short period of time have gotten to know eachother really well. It just seems like we didnt get to know eachother for too long in person and jumping into a long distance relationship right away wouldnt be good for either of us. I know that is not what he wants, and I am very hesitant about talking to him about it because he seems to have already made up his mind.


I really wish things were different, but I think im just going to have to go with filling up my time with other things. I dont know if Id want to try long distance, but the fact that he seems to like me and doenst want to makes me hesitate to push it with him. It just sucks because I like him a lot

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