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Friends ---> Relationship. Its not as simple as i thought.

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Hi everyone,


I went out last night with a girl that i really like, we got drunk and one thing led to another and we fooled around a little and i ended up staying the night. I have been really really good friends (if not best friends) with this girl for a while now.


That may sound great but its not so simple. I have a very brief history with her best friend and i think she was unsure of my true feelings, ive assured her that i like her and am completely over the other girl. Also, last week she fooled around a little with a guy from my school, but she insists that he is an idiot and that it meant nothing etc.


At the moment she is not getting along very well with her best friend.


Last night, i told her i liked her and she said she liked me, we also both insisted that those other people meant nothing. But...


Basically, i left her house this morning and she text me an hour or so later saying that she needs time to think because she is not sure what she wants right now. She knows that i like her and would like to make a relationship of it but ive told her that ill give her time to think.


Im going out tonight to see a band and shes told me that if she is feeling up to it then she will be there with her friends to celebrate one of their birthdays. I dont know if she will want to talk or whats going to happen...


Im scared of being hurt yet again, by the person whom i would least expect to hurt me.



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Fear is a state of hell, you see life is like a boxing game , being afraid that you are going to get hurt is useless because you WILL GET HURT, so might as wel go for gold and kick the hell out of your opponent which is life itself. If you go into the relationship not expecting things to work out just because it concerns your 'case' then you will at least be more or less prepared. You can't put your life on a halt because you are afraid to get hurt. The meaning of life is to love and help others, so as long as you put love and light in other people's lives then you can say to yourself afterwards that you did everything you could to make things work out, you can't do more then your best , and even if you get hurt we are here for you to catch you if you fall.

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Ok, thanks.


The other thing is that she asked me to keep it quiet whilst she thinks. That would be easy enough if i didnt have a huge hickey on my neck, some people saw us out together last night, theyre going to put 2 and 2 together. I guess ill just have to deal with it and say its none of their business and i dont want to discuss it...


Thanks, ill post again when i get home to let you know what happens.



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Hi again.


She didnt go last night.


She text me beforehand saying that she was going to give it a miss becuase she wasnt well (she had thrown up etc.). I said "thats ok, get well soon" and she replied with "Thanks for understanding. Take care."


I really dont know what to do, i havent been like this over a girl for ages. I know she must be thinking the situation over. She has a lot going on in her life right now, more than a person of her age should be expected to have.


I feel bad about it.


When she isnt talking to her best friend, i would usually be the person she would discuss her feelings with. But i cant be there for her right now, that is wrong. I dont know if she has anyone to talk to about it. Everybody should have someone they can lean on.


I know that we would be great together.


There were loads of signs that led me to believe that this could be something. My favourite band are releasing a song with her name in the title (and her name isnt exactly common), old songs that i wouldnt expect to hear that have lines which exactly describe to events in her life. I even saw 4 people that have the exact same tattoo as her, ive never noticed anyone with it before.


Ill see her at school tomorrow, i dont know what to do. I want to play it cool, but i also want to be there for her, i want to let her know that no matter what she decides that everything will be just fine. I just dont know if i can or should.


Nothing is simple. Nothing is clear-cut. Nothing can be certain except the uncertain.



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