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this guy at taekwondo...

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he's really cute. i liked him from the beginning. only, i'm extremely shy. i have trouble talking or socializing all the time. even when i'm around friends, i don't usually join conversations. maybe i'm just not comfortable around other people. that's how bad it is. and when i ask friends about what i should do about the guy at taekwondo, they say "just act normal" or "just be yourself"... but i'm an idiot around guys. i can't exactly do that. can someone please help me?

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You could talk to him about taekwon-do to start...you know, kicking techniques, patterns, step sparring stuff...you know, something you both obviously have a common interest in!!!! After that maybe talk to him about school, what his other hobbies are, etc....After that, if you get a receptive vibe from him...for example he's into the conversation, you could ask him if he'd be interested in going to coffee sometime.


That's my two cents.



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Geez, guys... I quit when I reached yellow or the next one, or something like that! LOL I'm so non-athletic. (I was also 13 yrs old at the time)


Yea, to answer this one, I'm in clear agreement. You already have a big thing in common, your interests. If he's at class, you know he's into Taekwan-do, so start there!


Just ease into conversations, and let him know you're looking! He shouldn't take long to figure it out!

Good luck! Go for it!


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i got my account reactivated..... ^^*

ok.. i just thought of 3 problems:

1. y'know how i said i was extremely shy? i don't know if i'll have the guts to actually go and talk to him.

2. i don't know if i would have a chance, because the instructor divides the guys and girls.

3. he's always hanging out with his friends after class. that would make me even more nervous.

i really don't know what i should do..

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Ok. I know what you mean.


Do it this way. [You will neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddddddddd alot of guts to do this]. You probably know in which class he study. Come the day after with somekind of book and ask him "I think its yours , no.....!"


He would say "No".


If he would go away after that , i dont think he is noticeing you.....if he would stay and ask "so how are you ?"


Thats a good start ! So thats how you start a chat. Be sure his buddies are not around, because he may fell shy around them when you are coming...... and start making fun of you or something [but believe me he is doing it just because he is with the buddies , and he dont mean to hurt you , ]


WE are man and we need to keep our Ego as guys ! Sorry....


Another sujestion...... You probably know when he is coming to class. Late or early. [Probably late] if he is coming early , come early too.


YOU WILL need a LOT of guts and I cant help you with that ! But imagine that if you would talk to him you will get such a great feeling that you talked to him [believe me I know by myself]. You will fly in the clouds after talking to him , and its worth it. !


Again , Guts !! You will need them alot, with guys.....

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